Show HN: Konga Beat – A custom track editor for Donkey Konga 2 and 3
ThunderScope – open hardware PC oscilloscope
The guidance system and computer of the Minuteman III nuclear missile
An FPGA built with 7400 series logic [video]
Innervator: Hardware Acceleration for Neural Networks
Functionally-Complete Boolean Logic in Real DRAM Chips: Experimental Characterization and Analysis
FPGA for Deep Learning: Survey and Future Directions
Layout of Rust's u128 and i128 changed
Finding the Right "Brain" and Software for Civilian Drone. Part 2
Show HN: SatCat5, the open-source FPGA Ethernet switch
MicroCore – hardware/software co-design environment based on Forth and VHDL
Input Output For a custom CPU
Efinix PLL question
Pluto IIx HDMI Mod not working
Waste of money?
A really tiny and platform-independent true random number generator for FPGAs and ASICs
A really tiny and platform-independent true random number generator for FPGAs and ASICs
A really tiny and platform-independent true random number generator for FPGAs and ASICs
Show HN: A tiny and platform-agnostic true random number generator for FPGA/ASIC
Show HN: A tiny and platform-agnostic true random number generator for FPGA/ASIC
Latest N64 Core Download
Introducing a Unique FPGA Training Repository: Dive into VHDL - NEXUS!
Pluto HDMI for DOL-101 Guide
Atari games like it's 1980 with “faithful recreation” of Atari 2600 console
AES-128b implementation write-up
How to find the pin mapping for connecting Zybo Z7-20 or Nexyx A7 board to a computer over USB-JTAG?
Time Card Mini Adds Pi, GPS, and OXCO to Your PC
An example of how to add the A ISA extension's LR/SC operations into an open-source architecture
Funky Matrix Glitcher with fake CPLD
Seeking Help with SDRAM Controller Debugging
USB-Injection: USB device hardware core with modified behaviour capable of injecting transmissions on behalf of other devices
Taito SJ core from Anton Gale available
Intel discontinues Nios II IP
Galaga Arcade port for the Tang Nano 20K
OpenXenium FRAG on XeniumOS v2.3.4 or higher
Data not being processed by custom Verilog filtering module?
GCHD firmware question
No video/sound from GameCube using Kaico hdmi converter
Modded Xbox keeps powering off every so often when booting up. Everything looks good..am I missing something?
Zynq PS PL communication through AXI4
Motor drive controller implementation on fpga board
Donkey Kong Country running (or rather rolling) on the Analogue Pocket
Fully Asynchronous Logic on FPGA
Does anyone know if Amazon EC2 F1 instances have FPGA and CPU share memory?
NEORV32 - A tiny, customizable and highly extensible MCU-class 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller-like SoC written in platform-independent VHDL
NEORV32 - A tiny, customizable and highly extensible MCU-class 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller-like SoC written in platform-independent VHDL
NEORV32 - A tiny, customizable and highly extensible MCU-class 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller-like SoC written in platform-independent VHDL
NEORV32 - A tiny, customizable and highly extensible MCU-class 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller-like SoC written in platform-independent VHDL