TypeScript Elm

Open-source TypeScript projects categorized as Elm

Top 10 TypeScript Elm Projects

  • quicktype

    Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL

    Project mention: How to be more productive when learning a new language | dev.to | 2024-08-09

    2. Deserializing JSON into objects I knew for this project I'd have to deserialize GeoJSON into objects to work with them effectively in the app. Building this beast of a class felt quite daunting for being brand new to Dart and also for what was quite a complex GeoJSON file. However, I found an open source library called quicktype that generates strongly-typed models and serializers from JSON type scripts to a number of languages, including Dart. All you have to do is put in the JSON you want decoded, and it will return a prebuilt class that you can then use in your project. Quicktype have a handy website front end (https://app.quicktype.io/) for this - it worked first time and I was so grateful not to have to build this myself!

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  • bearded-theme

    The VS Code theme with a long beard.

  • elm-spa

    single page apps made easy

  • elm-language-server

    Language server implementation for Elm

  • decoders

    Elegant validation library for type-safe input data (for TypeScript and Flow)

    Project mention: Typescript and 3rd party api. It never works | /r/Frontend | 2023-11-11

    I’ve used Decoders in the past to add type safety to API responses: https://decoders.cc

  • vite-plugin-elm

    A plugin for Vite enables you to compile an Elm application/document/element

  • elm-watch

    `elm make` in watch mode. Fast and reliable.

  • elm-tailwind-modules

    Generate Elm code for Tailwind Utilities and Components that purges using Elm's dead code elimination!

  • core

    The Elm Architecture for typescript (by typescript-tea)

  • purplehaze

    Purple haze is a TypeScript, Markdown, JS generative bundler that works in headless browser (by aexol-studio)

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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TypeScript Elm related posts

  • Building a subscription tracker Desktop and iOS app with compose multiplatform—Providing feedbacks

    4 projects | dev.to | 29 Jul 2024
  • How do you navigate an api response where you don't know the exact structure?

    1 project | /r/webdev | 9 Nov 2023
  • Tres herramientas para desarrolladores de software 👌

    2 projects | dev.to | 27 Oct 2023
  • Building React Components Using Unions in TypeScript

    15 projects | dev.to | 1 Oct 2023
  • Beautiful VS Code light theme

    1 project | /r/vscode | 27 Sep 2023
  • Live reloading code using vite-plugin-elm

    1 project | /r/elm | 26 Aug 2023
  • How can I get the ingredients and measurements to display from theMealDB JSON?

    1 project | /r/swift | 18 Jun 2023
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 6 Oct 2024
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What are some of the best open-source Elm projects in TypeScript? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 quicktype 12,307
2 bearded-theme 527
3 elm-spa 457
4 elm-language-server 420
5 decoders 357
6 vite-plugin-elm 197
7 elm-watch 153
8 elm-tailwind-modules 117
9 core 15
10 purplehaze 6

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SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives