Should Programming Languages Be Safe or Powerful?
Introducing Helm CEL: A More Expressive Way to Validate Your Helm Charts
Using Rust and an Old Kindle to Display Real-Time Transit Info
Self-Documenting Code
Professional Google Cloud Architect exam Documentation Resources
Show HN: Idol, an IDL and binary encoding for zero-copy local IPC
Using Bazel to build a new Rust project
Mastering Go gRPC Services with Docker: A One-Stop Guide
Show HN: AI Driven Slack Support in a few lines of code
Distroless: Language focused Docker images, minus the operating system
Build basic microservice online store backend with Golang use Api Gateway Pattern - Part 1
Ask HN: Who operates at scale without containers?
Messaging queues (Rabbitmq as broker)
An Overview of the Starlark Language
RabbitMQ Upgrade Best Practices
Cargo Was a Mistake
MongoDB vs RabbitMQ: Choosing the Right Data Solution for your project
Hermetic CC Toolchain
Hermetic CC Toolchain
Chainguard Images now available on Docker Hub
Language focused Docker images, minus the operating system
(The) Starlark Language
Google API Design Guide
Language design of Starlark (compared to Python)
Build native JVM binaries with Bazel: rules_graalvm
Using Alpine can make Python Docker builds 50× slower
Smaller and Safer Clojure Containers: Minimizing the Software Bill of Materials
One line local run to spin up model of your choice, parallel runs, chatbot UI and more!
Ko: Easy Go Containers
Show HN: Launch a private Ethereum Testnet with all clients and MEV infra
Bazel Ruels for Apko
Long Term Ownership of an Event-Driven System
Ask HN: Good Ressources on API Architecture?
Python coverage in Bazel has been broken for nearly 6 years
MLIR For Beginners: A series of articles on the MLIR framework
MLIR For Beginners: A series of articles on the MLIR framework
New GraalVM Rules for Bazel
MLIR for Beginners
Minimizing Nuxt 3 Docker Images
Bazel Mystery: an interactive way to learn Bazel
Bazel jasmine_test issue
Should I chain calls in backend?
Delayed events pattern, no more crons
Reddit temporarily ban subreddit and user advertising rival self-hosted platform (Lemmy)
RabbitMQ 3.12.0 Released
Redis HA on k8s without Sentinel?
Any nice patterns for releasing libraries?
Bazel Build Rules for Standard ML
Bazel Build Rules for Standard ML