Shell K8s

Open-source Shell projects categorized as K8s

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Top 23 Shell K8 Projects

  1. Kubernetes-Certified-Administrator

    Online resources that will help you prepare for taking the CNCF CKA 2020 "Kubernetes Certified Administrator" Certification exam. with time, This is not likely the comprehensive up to date list - please make a pull request if there something that should be added here.

    Project mention: Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) Exam Guide | | 2024-11-30

    Kubernetes Certified Administrator by Walid Shaari

  2. CodeRabbit

    CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers. Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

    CodeRabbit logo
  3. helm-secrets

    A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere

    Project mention: A Beginner's Guide To Service Discovery in Prometheus | | 2024-12-04

    E.g. If you are using Kubernetes, you can use Helm with the helm-secrets plugin to deploy Prometheus. Helm will seamlessly decrypt the secrets and place them in the final rendered version of your Prometheus deployment.

  4. geodesic

    🚀 Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Toolbox in Docker

  5. awesome-k8s-tools

    List of container/k8s tools.

  6. k8s-gitops

    GitOps principles to define kubernetes cluster state via code

  7. charts

    The User-Community Airflow Helm Chart is the standard way to deploy Apache Airflow on Kubernetes with Helm. Originally created in 2017, it has since helped thousands of companies create production-ready deployments of Airflow on Kubernetes. (by airflow-helm)

  8. catalog

    Catalog of shared Tasks and Pipelines. (by tektoncd)

  9. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  10. kube-dump

    Backup a Kubernetes cluster as a yaml manifest

  11. kubernetes-lxd

    A step-by-step guide to get kubernetes running inside an LXC container

  12. wazuh-kubernetes

    Wazuh - Wazuh Kubernetes

  13. kubernetes-lts

    Kubernetes LTS(long term support)

  14. dokku-scheduler-kubernetes

    Scheduler plugin for deploying applications to kubernetes

  15. kube-aliases

    Kubernetes Aliases and Bash Functions

  16. kubecui

    Simple but still extremely powerful K9S alternative. An interactive `explain` command. Security scanning based on `trivy`. Supports multiple envs. Midnight commander like interface. Custom hotkeys

  17. project_pace

    This project is here to enable a fast demo environment on your local environment, Minikube + Data Services + Kasten K10

  18. kubernetes

    Support repository: Firefly III Kubernetes (k8s) configuration files (by firefly-iii)

  19. gk8s

    Scripting-friendly tool to work with multiple k8s clusters.

  20. vagrant-k8s

    Creating a multi-node Kubernetes cluster on local machine using VirtualBox and Vagrant.

  21. simple-app-on-kubernetes

    K8s simple Go app example deployed with k14s tools

  22. ytt-library-for-kubernetes

    ytt ( library that includes reusable K8s components (app, ...)

  23. homelab

    Devantler's Homelab - including deployment artifacts for running the Homelab in CI/CD and in Talos Omni. (by devantler)

  24. local-kubernetes-runner

    CLI for spins up a K8s cluster locally in 10 seconds.

    Project mention: Show HN: Dev Kubernetes cluster in 10 seconds – Docker is the only requirement | | 2024-06-04
  25. podi

    a cute gitops utility (~7kb) to turn servers into PaaS platforms using only git+ssh. #hybrid #baremetal #bubblewrap #k8s #podman #docker

  26. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Shell K8s related posts

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  • Does Your Startup Need Complex Cloud Infrastructure?

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  • A step-by-step guide to get Kubernetes running inside an LXC container

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  • Ask r/kubernetes: What are you working on this week?

    2 projects | /r/kubernetes | 22 May 2023
  • Fast-Terraform: Terraform Tutorial, How-To: Hands-on LABs, and AWS Hands-on Sample Usage Scenarios (Infrastructure As Code)

    2 projects | /r/hashicorp | 3 May 2023
  • Fast-Terraform: Terraform Tutorial, How-To: Hands-on LABs, and AWS Hands-on Sample Usage Scenarios (Infrastructure As Code)

    2 projects | /r/sre | 27 Apr 2023
  • Fast-Terraform: Terraform Tutorial, How-To: Hands-on LABs, and AWS Hands-on Sample Usage Scenarios (Infrastructure As Code) + Elastic Kubernetes Service

    2 projects | /r/kubernetes | 27 Apr 2023
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 10 Feb 2025
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source K8 projects in Shell? This list will help you:

# Project Stars
1 Kubernetes-Certified-Administrator 4,310
2 helm-secrets 1,612
3 geodesic 991
4 awesome-k8s-tools 883
5 k8s-gitops 679
6 charts 676
7 catalog 671
8 kube-dump 329
9 kubernetes-lxd 297
10 wazuh-kubernetes 287
11 kubernetes-lts 212
12 dokku-scheduler-kubernetes 151
13 kube-aliases 115
14 kubecui 93
15 project_pace 56
16 kubernetes 55
17 gk8s 42
18 vagrant-k8s 39
19 simple-app-on-kubernetes 29
20 ytt-library-for-kubernetes 22
21 homelab 20
22 local-kubernetes-runner 16
23 podi 15

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