Shell bash-scripting

Open-source Shell projects categorized as bash-scripting

Top 23 Shell bash-scripting Projects

  • bpkg

    Lightweight bash package manager

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  • bach

    Bach Testing Framework (by bach-sh)

    Project mention: Shellcheck finds bugs in your shell scripts | | 2023-11-23

    I also recommend when you have to use Bash for things long enough it probably shouldn't be!

  • pash

    PaSh: Light-touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing

  • format-udf

    Bash script to format a block device (hard drive or Flash drive) in UDF. The output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families: Windows, macOS, and Linux. This script should be capable of running in macOS or in Linux.

    Project mention: ExFAT Driver Boasts Much Faster "Dirsync" Performance with Linux 6.9 | | 2024-03-21

    The note about the partition table makes me wonder how he was formatting the drive. specifically does some partition table related hacks to make UDF maximally compatible with different platforms.

  • bashew

    bash script micro-framework - from small stand-alone script to complex projects with CI/CD and testing

  • bitcoin-bash-tools

    Set of bitcoin-related bash functions

  • bash-utility

    Bash library which provides utility functions and helpers for functional programming in Bash.

  • cryptr

    A simple shell utility for encrypting and decrypting files using OpenSSL. (by nodesocket)

    Project mention: Show HN: Cryptr – shell utility for encrypting and decrypting files | | 2024-04-12
  • fetchurls

    A bash script to spider a site, follow links, and fetch urls (with built-in filtering) into a generated text file.

  • base

    A simple framework for sharing Bash profiles, reusable shell libraries, and commands across hosts and teams. Contains builtin libraries for common functions like logging, error handling, and assertions. Built with SRE / DevOps teams in mind. (by codeforester)

  • Conky

    A private place for my conky widget (by Kosteron)

  • bashmultitool

    A library for bash shell scripting containing useful helper functions.

  • scripts

    Collection of useful scripts for Linux (git, docker, LUKS, Archlinux...) (by bensuperpc)

  • awesome-bash-commands

    A curated list of awesome Bash useful commands. Inspired by awesome-shell and bash-handbook.

  • bash-funk

    bash-funk is a collection of useful commands for Bash 3.2 or higher.

  • pluto

    This is a library of scripts that come in handy when working with media files (by golivecosmos)

  • simplyarch

    The blazing fast ⚡ Arch Linux ⚡ installation script that puts you on control 🌟

  • notion-auto-pull

    Bash script to automatically download a notion workspace

    Project mention: Ask HN: Who is hiring? (October 2024) | | 2024-10-01

    Notion | | Android Engineer | SF | hybrid (in office 2x a week) | Full time

      Level: Mid/Mid+ (4-6yrs experience)

  • bash-toolkit

    Could be my ever-growing, ever-improving, Swiss Army Toolkit of functions-as-cmd-line-tools and useful-to-me patterns.

  • TeachMeBashLikeIm5

    Teach the Bash programming language using a collection of super beginner friendly tutorials and challenges.

  • sh

    A set of bash shell scripts to setup and manage a simple Mail, Web and DNS server using either Debian, Ubuntu, CachyOS, Alpine or OpenWRT (by markc)

  • passage

    Password store and secret manager using age encryption. This is my attempt to replace passwordstore's use of PGP, with age encryption. I am sure there are more elegant ways to accomplish this, but it is working for my purposes. (by chrisswanda)

  • bash-ini-file

    Get keyvalues by its section/keyword from an INI-format (v1.4) file in bash (also works with systemd, NetworkManager config files)

    Project mention: How to parse config files with Bash | | 2024-05-31

    Shameless plug, you can use bash to parse a .INI configuration file.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Shell bash-scripting related posts

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    1 project | | 21 Aug 2023
  • PaSh: Light-Touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing

    1 project | | 18 Jul 2023
  • Do you also feel good, when you manually update your system?

    1 project | /r/linux | 14 Feb 2023
  • Bashkit V1

    38 projects | /r/bash | 27 Jan 2023
  • How do I get a list of all the individual track links of a bandcamp album/user?

    1 project | /r/DataHoarder | 23 Jan 2023
  • The Ubuntu-based distribution Vanilla OS has had its first stable release

    1 project | /r/linux | 30 Dec 2022
  • BashLib a helpful source file for any script

    36 projects | /r/bash | 20 Nov 2022
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 5 Oct 2024
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What are some of the best open-source bash-scripting projects in Shell? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 bpkg 1,902
2 bach 550
3 pash 548
4 format-udf 509
5 bashew 262
6 bitcoin-bash-tools 236
7 bash-utility 208
8 cryptr 134
9 fetchurls 126
10 base 98
11 Conky 94
12 bashmultitool 90
13 scripts 59
14 awesome-bash-commands 51
15 bash-funk 46
16 pluto 40
17 simplyarch 38
18 notion-auto-pull 29
19 bash-toolkit 29
20 TeachMeBashLikeIm5 14
21 sh 14
22 passage 14
23 bash-ini-file 14

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