Get early access to Scout Monitoring's NEW Ruby logging feature [beta] by signing up now. Start for free and enable logs to get better insights into your Rails apps. Learn more →
Top 3 Ruby Grpc Projects
Project mention: AnyCable for Ruby on Rails: How Does it Improve over Action Cable? | | 2024-05-16
The AnyCable WebSocket Server was created to combine the beauty of Action Cable with the performance benefits gained from Golang. AnyCable handles WebSockets on a different server called AnyCable-Go, effectively reducing the burden on your primary web application.
Scout Monitoring
Performance metrics and, now, Logs Management Monitoring with Scout Monitoring. Get early access to Scout Monitoring's NEW Ruby logging feature [beta] by signing up now. Start for free and enable logs to get better insights into your Rails apps.
The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars.
The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or
since we started tracking (Dec 2020).
Ruby Grpc discussion
Ruby Grpc related posts
AnyCable for Ruby on Rails: How Does it Improve over Action Cable?
Deploy Anycable with MRSK
AnyCable v1.3: embedded NATS, StatsD, and more
[P] Machine Learning Threat Detection in k8s
Action cable or AJAX? Performance and solution - what to choose?
Kubing Rails: stressless Kubernetes deployments with Kuby
Real-time stress: AnyCable, k6, WebSockets, and Yabeda
A note from our sponsor - Scout Monitoring | 8 Sep 2024
What are some of the best open-source Grpc projects in Ruby? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | AnyCable | 1,924 |
2 | homebrew-extensions | 638 |
3 | grpc_kit | 160 |