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Top 23 Ruby Framework Projects
Project mention: Collecting JavaScript code coverage with Capybara in Ruby on Rails application | | 2024-05-14
For example, there is a Ruby on Rails application that uses Webpacker and has JavaScript files that are covered by the system tests. Capybara is used as the system testing tool.
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minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
It supports both RSpec and Minitest as well as any other testing gem. There are flexible configurations options which allow to configure editor with needed testing tool.
A DRb server for testing frameworks (RSpec / Cucumber currently) that forks before each run to ensure a clean testing state.
Test your Rails application's JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library
RR is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax. ⛺ (by rr)
Ruby Frameworks discussion
Ruby Frameworks related posts
3 useful VS Code extensions for testing Ruby code
Collecting JavaScript code coverage with Capybara in Ruby on Rails application
Test Driving a Rails API - Part Two
How to Use Shoulda Matchers with RSpec for Ruby on Rails
Почему я программирую на Ruby
Don't Use Mocks
My SaaS makes $50K MRR and is built on vanilla Ruby on Rails and jQuery
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 17 Jan 2025
What are some of the best open-source Framework projects in Ruby? This list will help you:
# | Project | Stars |
1 | Capybara | 10,033 |
2 | shoulda-matchers | 3,525 |
3 | minitest | 3,313 |
4 | Spork | 1,394 |
5 | Konacha | 1,048 |
6 | Phony | 1,020 |
7 | Fuubar | 955 |
8 | Aruba | 949 |
9 | Nyan Cat | 739 |
10 | Spinach | 580 |
11 | Bacon | 425 |
12 | dry-system | 363 |
13 | RR | 324 |
14 | Test::Unit | 265 |
15 | PpSql | 265 |
16 | Howitzer | 261 |
17 | Pundit Matchers | 233 |
18 | Emoji-RSpec | 173 |
19 | Cutest | 153 |
20 | Drawers | 147 |
21 | Loco-Rails | 56 |
22 | r_spec-clone.rb | 22 |
23 | rspec-tap-formatters | 20 |