Top 50 Trending R Projects
Glue strings to data in R. Small, fast, dependency free interpreted string literals. (by tidyverse)
Pipeable steps for feature engineering and data preprocessing to prepare for modeling (by tidymodels)
A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live
DrWhy is the collection of tools for eXplainable AI (XAI). It's based on shared principles and simple grammar for exploration, explanation and visualisation of predictive models.
Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource for analysis on the cloud. Educational tutorials and working pipelines for RNA-seq analysis including an introduction to: cloud computing, critical file formats, reference genomes, gene annotation, expression, differential expression, alternative splicing, data visualization, and interpretation.
An R implementation of the UpSet set visualization technique published by Lex, Gehlenborg, et al..
What are some of the trending open-source R projects? This list will help you:
Project | Growth | |
1 | awesome-computational-social-science | 4.1% |
2 | infercnv | 2.9% |
3 | glue | 2.5% |
4 | clusterProfiler | 2.3% |
5 | lidR | 2.0% |
6 | purrr | 1.8% |
7 | targets | 1.8% |
8 | lintr | 1.7% |
9 | stringr | 1.7% |
10 | recipes | 1.4% |
11 | styler | 1.4% |
12 | languageserver | 1.4% |
13 | seurat | 1.3% |
14 | swirl | 1.3% |
15 | tidyverse | 1.3% |
16 | tidyquant | 1.2% |
17 | pointblank | 1.2% |
18 | tinytex | 1.1% |
19 | ggtree | 1.1% |
20 | data.table | 1.1% |
21 | tidyr | 1.0% |
22 | modeltime | 1.0% |
23 | renv | 0.9% |
24 | DrWhy | 0.9% |
25 | ggplot2 | 0.9% |
26 | sf | 0.8% |
27 | readr | 0.8% |
28 | rnaseq_tutorial | 0.8% |
29 | forcats | 0.7% |
30 | quanteda | 0.7% |
31 | pkgdown | 0.7% |
32 | rstan | 0.7% |
33 | rmarkdown | 0.7% |
34 | dplyr | 0.7% |
35 | easystats | 0.6% |
36 | tibble | 0.6% |
37 | reticulate | 0.6% |
38 | mlr3 | 0.5% |
39 | tmap | 0.5% |
40 | blogdown | 0.5% |
41 | ggtext | 0.5% |
42 | ggthemr | 0.5% |
43 | dtplyr | 0.5% |
44 | pagedown | 0.5% |
45 | report | 0.4% |
46 | reprex | 0.4% |
47 | httr | 0.4% |
48 | UpSetR | 0.4% |
49 | renjin | 0.4% |
50 | workflowr | 0.4% |