Python Schema

Open-source Python projects categorized as Schema

Top 23 Python Schema Projects

  • marshmallow

    A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.

  • Scout Monitoring

    Free Django app performance insights with Scout Monitoring. Get Scout setup in minutes, and let us sweat the small stuff. A couple lines in is all you need to start monitoring your apps. Sign up for our free tier today.

    Scout Monitoring logo
  • jsonschema

    An implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python

  • Mimesis

    Mimesis is a robust data generator for Python that can produce a wide range of fake data in multiple languages.

  • pandera

    A light-weight, flexible, and expressive statistical data testing library

  • Schematics

    Python Data Structures for Humansβ„’.

  • msgspec

    A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML

    Project mention: Don't let dicts spoil your code | | 2024-10-09

    gjson [1] and a few other go packages offer a way to parse arbitrary JSON without requiring structs to hold them.

    re: Python. I like PyRight/PyLance for Python typing, it seems to "just work" afaict. I also like msgspec for dataclass like behavior [2].




  • strictyaml

    Type-safe YAML parser and validator.

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  • pydantic-core

    Core validation logic for pydantic written in rust

  • eralchemy

    Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool

  • Yamale

    A schema and validator for YAML.

  • pygraft

    Configurable Generation of Synthetic Schemas and Knowledge Graphs at Your Fingertips

  • pysonDB

    A Simple , ☁️ Lightweight , πŸ’ͺ Efficent JSON based database for 🐍 Python. PysonDB-V2 has been released ⬇️

    Project mention: PysonDB: A Simple, Lightweight, Efficent JSON Based DataBase for Python | | 2024-06-19
  • linkml

    Linked Open Data Modeling Language

    Project mention: Loops: journeys in declarative logic programming in genomics [video] | | 2023-11-30

    LinkML that Chris presents here looks really interesting though!

  • flama

    Fire up your models with the flame πŸ”₯

    Project mention: Protected ML APIs with Flama JWT Authentication | | 2024-09-11

    If you like what we do, there is a free and easy way to support our work. Gift us a ⭐ at Flama.

  • ProfileManifestsMirror

    Jamf JSON schema manifests automatically generated from ProfileCreator manifests (

  • pydantic-cli

    Turn Pydantic defined Data Models into CLI Tools

  • openapi-schema-validator

    OpenAPI schema validator is a Python library that validates schema against OpenAPI Schema Specification v3.0 and v3.1

    Project mention: Superpower REST API DX with Serverless ⚑ and DevOps Best Practices on AWS (🐍 Python Version) | | 2024-04-30

    openapi-schema-validator is useful to validate our response against a schema of our spec

  • SnowDDL

    Declarative-style object management tool for Snowflake.

  • pydantic_schemaorg classes in pydantic

  • py2gpt

    Convert Python code into JSON consumable by OpenAI's function API.

  • lupin is a Python JSON object mapper

    Python document object mapper (load python object from JSON and vice-versa)

  • paradict

    Streamable multi-format serialization with schema

    Project mention: FLaNK 25 December 2023 | | 2023-12-26
  • AdaKGC

    [EMNLP 2023 (Findings)] Schema-adaptable Knowledge Graph Construction

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

Python Schema discussion

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Python Schema related posts

  • Unit testing functions that input/output dataframes?

    1 project | /r/datascience | 5 Mar 2023
  • Pydantic vs Protobuf vs Namedtuples vs Dataclasses

    4 projects | /r/Python | 25 Feb 2023
  • Yet another command line tool: clidantic, typed CLIs with click and pydantic

    2 projects | /r/Python | 18 Aug 2022
  • Data validation for dashboards

    1 project | /r/dataengineering | 22 Apr 2022
  • Mypy 0.940 Released

    3 projects | /r/Python | 13 Mar 2022
  • Show HN: Pandera 0.8.0 – validate pandas, dask, modin, and koalas dataframes

    2 projects | | 17 Nov 2021
  • Pandera 0.8.0: Schema Validation for Pandas, Dask, Modin, and Koalas DataFrames. Oh, and also out-of-the-box Pydantic and Mypy support :)

    1 project | /r/Python | 17 Nov 2021
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 15 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more β†’


What are some of the best open-source Schema projects in Python? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 marshmallow 7,017
2 jsonschema 4,599
3 Mimesis 4,418
4 pandera 3,314
5 Schematics 2,580
6 msgspec 2,308
7 strictyaml 1,463
8 pydantic-core 1,400
9 eralchemy 1,136
10 Yamale 675
11 pygraft 667
12 pysonDB 398
13 linkml 315
14 flama 257
15 ProfileManifestsMirror 164
16 pydantic-cli 142
17 openapi-schema-validator 99
18 SnowDDL 99
19 pydantic_schemaorg 56
20 py2gpt 25
21 lupin is a Python JSON object mapper 25
22 paradict 22
23 AdaKGC 17

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