Trending PureScript Projects

This page lists the top trending PureScript projects based on the growth of GitHub stars.
It is updated once every day. The last update was on 10 Feb 2025.
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Top 23 Trending PureScript Projects

  1. nammayatri

    A Direct-to-Driver open mobility platform powering the next-generation of mobility applications in India.

  2. purescript-react-basic

    An opinionated set of bindings to the React library, optimizing for the most basic use cases

  3. purescript-run

    An extensible-effects implementation

  4. vscode-ide-purescript

    PureScript IDE support for VS Code

  5. spago

    🍝 PureScript package manager and build tool (by purescript)

  6. purescript-backend-optimizer

    Optimizing backend toolkit and modern ECMAScript backend for PureScript

  7. purescript-halogen

    A declarative, type-safe UI library for PureScript.

  8. purescript-halogen-realworld

    Exemplary real world application built with PureScript + Halogen

  9. insect

    High precision scientific calculator with support for physical units

  10. purescript-routing

    A clean, type-safe routing library for PureScript.

  11. purescript-lumi-components

    Library of our UI components

  12. trypurescript

    PureScript in the browser

  13. purescript-specular

    A Reflex-Dom inspired UI library for PureScript

  14. purescript-react-basic-hooks

    An implementation of React hooks on top of purescript-react-basic

  15. purescript-aff

    An asynchronous effect monad for PureScript

  16. purescript-flame

    Fast & simple framework for building web applications

  17. purescript-book

    Sources for the PureScript book

  18. purescript-react

    React Bindings for PureScript

  19. Transity

    Keep track of your 💵, 🕘, 🐖, 🐄, 🍻 on your command line with the plain text accounting tool of the future! 🚀

  20. purescript-concur-react

    Concur UI Framework for Purescript

  21. purescript-spork

    Elm-like for PureScript

  22. purescript-deku

    A PureScript web UI framework

ABOUT: The growth percentage is calculated as the increase in the number of stars compared to the previous month. We list only projects that have at least 500 stars and a GitHub organization logo set.


What are some of the trending open-source PureScript projects? This list will help you:

Project Growth
1 nammayatri 5.1%
2 purescript-react-basic 1.4%
3 purescript-run 1.3%
4 purescript-language-server 1.0%
5 vscode-ide-purescript 0.5%
6 spago 0.5%
7 purescript-backend-optimizer 0.5%
8 purescript-halogen 0.1%
9 purescript-halogen-realworld 0.1%
10 insect 0.1%
11 purescript-routing 0.0%
12 purescript-lumi-components 0.0%
13 trypurescript 0.0%
14 purescript-specular 0.0%
15 purescript-react-basic-hooks 0.0%
16 purescript-aff 0.0%
17 purescript-flame 0.0%
18 purescript-book 0.0%
19 purescript-react 0.0%
20 Transity 0.0%
21 purescript-concur-react -0.4%
22 purescript-spork -0.6%
23 purescript-deku -0.7%