PHP Ajax

Open-source PHP projects categorized as Ajax

Top 9 PHP Ajax Projects

  • Tracy

    😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it. (by nette)

    Project mention: Building a Simple Blog with Flight - Part 1 | | 2024-07-03

    You'll also notice in the corner you have a handy debug toolbar with some custom Flight panels to help you understand what's going on in your application. If you hover over the various items in the toolbar, you'll see a variety of hovers that you can click on to keep sticky on the page (more on that later).

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  • OSSN

    Open Source Social Network (OSSN) is a social networking software written in PHP. It allows you to make a social networking website and helps your members build social relationships, with people who share similar professional or personal interests. It is available in 17 international languages.

    Project mention: Welcome to Coding Standards for Open Source Social Network (OSSN) | | 2024-08-15
  • KLiK-SocialMediaWebsite

    Complete PHP-based Login/Registration system, Profile system, Chat room, Forum system and Blog/Polls/Event Management System.

  • micro-MVC

    An agile, small, productive and robust MVC framework for PHP with high-quality JS extensions and integrated AJAX support.

  • DneustadtCsrfCookieBundle

    Symfony bundle that provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications

  • ajax-router

    URL query string-based routing library that is PSR-7 compatible.

  • CandyPHP

    🍭 Candy PHP Framework

  • wp-admin-ajax

    Demo for creating a wp options page powered by React.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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  • What are your some under development projects (personal) ?

    1 project | /r/devnep | 30 Mar 2021


What are some of the best open-source Ajax projects in PHP? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 Tracy 1,753
2 OSSN 1,075
3 KLiK-SocialMediaWebsite 328
4 micro-MVC 56
5 DneustadtCsrfCookieBundle 12
6 ajax-router 12
7 simple-image-gallery 7
8 CandyPHP 5
9 wp-admin-ajax 2

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