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Top 22 Lua Rofi Projects
Yes, I used that before I tried to have a notification center. I grabbed this code from a unixporn master (probably, which does not use naughty config. I will tried later to have a notification center using naughty config, if that may work. Thanks!
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Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment (by WillPower3309)
dotfiles for AwesomeWM, Neovim, Tmux, Starship, Rofi and many other tools i use (by edr3x)
🐧 Collection of linux dotfiles. XFCE, i3wm, Polybar, i3bar, Rofi and Dunst (by fathulfahmy)
The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars.
The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or
since we started tracking (Dec 2020).
Lua Rofi discussion
Lua Rofi related posts
Round corners for notifications and layout
[HELP!] Bash script wilding. Even GPT is stumped.
[HELP!] Bash script wilding. Even GPT is stumped.
neovim and platformio tutorial
AwesomeWm runs in root but not the normal user
Yoru awesomewm not loading completely
Need help with mopidy.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 3 Oct 2024
What are some of the best open-source Rofi projects in Lua? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | yoru | 3,469 |
2 | the-glorious-dotfiles | 2,505 |
3 | awesome-dotfiles | 1,167 |
4 | awesome-setup | 302 |
5 | dotfiles | 301 |
6 | dotfiles | 223 |
7 | Hypr-uwu | 77 |
8 | cfg | 77 |
9 | .dotfiles | 70 |
10 | dotfiles | 70 |
11 | Singularis | 64 |
12 | EasyAwesomeWM | 49 |
13 | sugoi | 39 |
14 | dotfiles | 39 |
15 | dotfiles | 36 |
16 | dotfiles | 33 |
17 | .dotfiles | 27 |
18 | dotfiles | 23 |
19 | dotfiles | 12 |
20 | dotfiles | 12 |
21 | dotfiles | 9 |
22 | dotfiles-linux | 7 |