Kotlin Game

Open-source Kotlin projects categorized as Game

Top 23 Kotlin Game Projects

  • Unciv

    Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V

    Project mention: Shattered Pixel Dungeon is an open-source traditional roguelike dungeon crawler | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-03-20
  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  • FXGL

    Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)

    Project mention: JavaFX In Action #11 with Almas Baim about FXGL, a multipurpose game library for JavaFX | dev.to | 2024-12-05

    You can find the sources of FXGL on GitHub with a lot of examples in the fxgl-samples directory.

  • antimine-android

    Antimine is an open source minesweeper-like puzzle game.

  • godot-jvm

    Godot Kotlin JVM Module

  • littlekt

    A multiplatform WebGPU 2D game framework written in Kotlin. Build your own game engine on top.

  • retrowars

    Play retro games against each other in any combination in this open source Android multiplayer game.

  • ore-infinium

    Ore Infinium, Open Source multiplayer Terraria-inspired Sci-fi game, focused on technology, devices and researching. Written in Kotlin (JVM), LibGDX. Cross platform

  • minigdx

    Minimalist Game Framework using Kotlin Multiplatform

  • newquiz

    Jetpack compose quiz game using material 3 (you).

  • tiny

    Tiny is a lightweight 2D game engine that allows developers to easily create games using the Lua programming language. (by minigdx)

  • darkest-pixel-dungeon

    Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface

  • asteroids-compose-for-desktop

    Simple space game, built with Compose for Desktop!

  • minesweeper-j-compose

    🎮 A Minesweeper like puzzle game, built using Jetpack Compose, for Android.

  • Dooz

    Dooz or Tic-tac-toe is a simple pen-and-paper game. I created this implementation using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose for Android devices.

  • tripeaks-gdx

    A simple tri peaks solitaire game using libGDX.

  • Neon

    Android game made with Jetpack Compose. (by mariodujic)

  • wordagam

    A fun little word game 🍄

  • beat-feet

    Jump your way through cities, each automatically generated from the beat of the music.

  • AstroAdventures-Android

    A mini-game for Android like Space Invaders, where the entire game engine has been written from scratch, in Kotlin. And every visual asset in the game is drawn with code, using Android Custom Views.

  • granblue-automation-android

    Educational application written in Kotlin aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using MediaProjection, AccessibilityService, and OpenCV.

  • JOGL2D

    Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL using Kotlin

  • Dino-Game

    Simple Dino Game 🎮 made using Compose multiplatform ( There's no Dino but who cares 🤣 ) I used Kotlin multiplatform with Compose multiplatform, for now the game works for android and desktop (IOS and Web soon ⏳ ).

  • Quizzer

    Trivia Game (Quiz App)

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Game projects in Kotlin? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 Unciv 8,607
2 FXGL 4,453
3 antimine-android 659
4 godot-jvm 645
5 littlekt 327
6 retrowars 202
7 ore-infinium 183
8 minigdx 162
9 newquiz 146
10 tiny 124
11 darkest-pixel-dungeon 99
12 asteroids-compose-for-desktop 91
13 minesweeper-j-compose 88
14 Dooz 88
15 tripeaks-gdx 78
16 Neon 76
17 wordagam 69
18 beat-feet 68
19 AstroAdventures-Android 65
20 granblue-automation-android 63
21 JOGL2D 28
22 Dino-Game 27
23 Quizzer 2

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