JavaScript Sqlite

Open-source JavaScript projects categorized as Sqlite

Top 23 JavaScript Sqlite Projects

  • drawdb

    Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator.

    Project mention: What projects are you working on? | | 2024-07-13

    I'm working on trying to optimize the editor and have it lag less when the number of tables increases. Also have some highly requested features I'd like to implement before launching on Product Hunt.

    Then I wanted a change of pace and started on something so ambitious that it's stupid... I'm trying to make a web browser from scratch I guess. So far tokenizing the html is going fine but I'm not sure how far I'll be able to get.

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  • sql.js

    A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.

    Project mention: SQLite FTS5 Extension | | 2024-08-08

    I once tried to use sql.js [1] on a static site for full text search. It worked, but the resulting database size for that site was too large for the web, even with things like detail=none and content='' applied, and requiring the user to download a database each time was just no go. (I guess things should work better for sites with less content or those not requiring a trigram tokenizer.)

    I switched to Pagefind [2] afterwards before finding out a sql.js-httpvfs [3] fork of sql.js that removes exactly the need to fully download a database (with HTTP range requests). I haven't got the chance to test sql.js-httpvfs out though, but it looks pretty sound and could be much more flexible than Pagefind. (Previously discussed at .)




  • Bookshelf

    A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js

    Project mention: Top 6 ORMs for Modern Node.js App Development | | 2023-10-11

    Bookshelf.js is an uncomplicated and lightweight ORM designed for Node.js, constructed atop the Knex.js query builder. Its primary aim is to support SQL databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. Bookshelf.js focuses on simplicity and user-friendliness, offering a direct method for defining models and relationships through JavaScript classes and prototypal inheritance.


    ⚓️ Easily test HTTP webhooks with this handy tool that displays requests instantly.

    Project mention: Integrand VS - a user suggested alternative | | 2024-06-26

    Another great tool to test and handle webhooks

  • orm2

    Object Relational Mapping

  • cordova-sqlite-storage

    A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android, iOS and Windows with HTML5/Web SQL API

  • sqliteviz

    Instant offline SQL-powered data visualisation in your browser

    Project mention: SQLite Db Admin in the Browser | | 2024-01-24
  • ElectroCRUD

    Database CRUD Application Built on Electron | MySQL, Postgres, SQLite

  • soul

    🕉 A SQLite REST and realtime server (by thevahidal)

    Project mention: Show HN: Soul – A SQLite REST and Realtime Server with Auth Mode and Extensions | | 2024-08-26
  • tuql

    Automatically create a GraphQL server from a SQLite database or a SQL file

  • sqlime

    Online SQLite playground

    Project mention: Sqlime: Online SQLite Playground | | 2024-04-09

    This is incredible work.

    However, the project doesn't follow best practices in the JavaScript ecosystem. The included WebAssembly (wasm) file should be fetched from npm, instead of being uploaded to the project.

  • todos-express-password

    Todo app using Express and Passport for sign in with username and password.


    Privacy-focused encrypted email for everyone. All-in-one alternative to Gmail + Mailchimp + Sendgrid.

    Project mention: Google will disable all but OAuth for IMAP, SMTP and POP starting Sept. 30 | | 2024-01-18

    Thanks for your feedback. We've updated our home page at and added a dedicated link/section in our FAQ for "What is Forward Email" at


  • wa-sqlite

    WebAssembly SQLite with support for browser storage extensions

    Project mention: Notion about their usage of WASM SQLite | | 2024-07-17

    Love the shoutout to Roy Hashimoto. He's been writing VFSs for SQLite-on-the-browser and perf testing them. He's recently wrote "IDBMirrorVFS", which "is a new example VFS that keeps all SQLite files in memory while persisting to IndexedDB". It has remarkable performance, of course.

  • orange-orm

    Javascript and Typescript ORM with full intellisense, no-code generations. Works over http as well.

    Project mention: Flyweight: A Node.js ORM Specifically for SQLite | | 2024-04-07

    You should try

    It is database agnostic. It works with sqlite, mssql, mysql, postgres, oracle, and sapase.

    It gives you full intellisense without code generation - even when running pure javascript.

    You can run it from the browser in a secure manner, as you can host it in express js via adapter.

    I am the author.

  • flyweight

    An ORM for SQLite

    Project mention: Flyweight: A Node.js ORM Specifically for SQLite | | 2024-04-07
  • sqlite-wasm

    SQLite Wasm conveniently wrapped as an ES Module.

    Project mention: Can You Create a Product That Makes Money with Wasm? | | 2024-10-01
  • lolisafe

    Blazing fast file uploader and awesome bunker written in node! 🚀

  • Sutando

    Sutando is a modern Node.js ORM, like Laravel Eloquent.

  • spl.js

    SpatiaLite for browser & node

  • db-samples

    Northwind sample database for MySql, PostgresQL etc.

  • authcompanion2

    An admin-friendly, User Management Server (with Passkeys & JWTs) - for seamless and secure integration of user authentication

    Project mention: Passkey Implementation: Misconceptions, pitfalls and unknown unknowns | | 2024-05-02

    I have a nodejs passkey implementation over at AuthC a simple user management server. For javascript developers has been a good way to get started with a poc before venturing deeper into webauthn (passkeys) spec.

  • tudo

    A simple to-do app

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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JavaScript Sqlite related posts

  • Show HN: Soul – A SQLite REST and Realtime Server with Auth Mode and Extensions

    1 project | | 26 Aug 2024
  • SQLite Auto Migrator VS node-sqlite - a user suggested alternative

    2 projects | 14 May 2024
  • Flyweight: A Node.js ORM Specifically for SQLite

    3 projects | | 7 Apr 2024
  • Ask HN: Wa-SQLite vs. Dexie, 2024

    2 projects | | 30 Mar 2024
  • Show HN: Quietone – search audio and video by transcript

    1 project | | 23 Mar 2024
  • Soul RESTful and realtime server for SQLite, now with Authentication!

    1 project | | 19 Mar 2024
  • JSON Canvas – An open file format for infinite canvas data

    12 projects | | 11 Mar 2024
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 7 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source Sqlite projects in JavaScript? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 drawdb 20,079
2 sql.js 12,585
3 Bookshelf 6,357
4 5,307
5 orm2 3,069
6 cordova-sqlite-storage 2,143
7 sqliteviz 2,139
8 ElectroCRUD 1,536
9 soul 1,509
10 tuql 1,048
11 sqlime 899
12 todos-express-password 874
13 860
14 wa-sqlite 865
15 orange-orm 674
16 flyweight 520
17 sqlite-wasm 520
18 lolisafe 329
19 Sutando 169
20 spl.js 168
21 db-samples 139
22 authcompanion2 83
23 tudo 84

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