JavaScript ReactNative

Open-source JavaScript projects categorized as ReactNative

Top 16 JavaScript ReactNative Projects

  • tus-js-client

    A pure JavaScript client for the tus resumable upload protocol

    Project mention: Ask HN: How to handle user file uploads? | | 2024-05-03

    We map the TUS[0] protocol to S3 multipart upload operations. This lets us obscure the S3 bucket from the client. The TUS operations are handled by a dedicated micro-service. It could be done in a Lambda or anything.

    Once the upload completes we kick off a workflow to virus scan, unzip, decrypt, and process the file depending on what it is.

    For virus scanning, we started with ClamAV[1], but eventually bought a Trend Micro product[2] for reasons that probably don't apply to you. It is serverless based on SQS, Lambda, and SNS. Works fine.

    Once scanned, we do a number of things. For images that you are going to serve back out, you for sure want to re-encode those and strip metadata. I haven't worked directly on that part.


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  • react-native-fonts

    Fonts available out of the box in a React Native project

  • react-native-clean-project

    Automating the clean up of a React Native project

  • react-native-sectioned-multi-select

    a multi (or single) select component with support for sub categories, search, chips.

    Project mention: Enabling multi-select dropdowns in React Native | | 2024-03-19

    Besides inbuilt React Native form controls like buttons, switches, text inputs, and more, there are many open source community packages that offer pre-developed form controls. You can use existing multi-select dropdown packages or build one from scratch for your React Native app. In this tutorial, we’ll use the popular react-native-sectioned-multi-select package — a better alternative to the react-native-multiple-select package. We’ll also explore how to build a multi-select dropdown from scratch with inbuilt React Native core components.

  • shop-app

    A shopping mobile application made with react native for Android.

  • OpenArabic

    At the Intersection of Classical Arabic and Liberal Technology.

  • hackerweb-native-2

    HackerWeb 2: A read-only Hacker News client.

  • expo-chroma-key-camera

    Live green-screen effect with Expo and THREE.js

  • NativeShop

    A full fledged E-commerce app using React native & Expo

  • meteor-react-native-starter

    Boilerplate with auth, backend, db and many more! Clone, install, start coding!

  • react-native-silicon-db

    React native database on steroids

  • fallout4-terminal-hack-reactnative

    react-native minigame version of a famous terminal hack in fallout4

  • Ecommerce

    A Demo eCommerce App for a Clothing Store. (by danishiftikhar3)

  • medium-unlimited-android

    An android based webview app made with React Native Webiew allow user to read medium article without being block.

  • RNWebSearch

    Search and highlight keywords within the WebView in React Native. Compatible with all languages.

    Project mention: Unlocking the Impossible: Search Keywords Within WebView in React Native | | 2023-12-12

    Please check out this sample project on GitHub for more information

  • React-Native-Maps-Animation-Tutorial

    DEV: React Native Maps Animation Tutorial

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source ReactNative projects in JavaScript? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 tus-js-client 2,119
2 react-native-fonts 1,488
3 react-native-clean-project 1,205
4 react-native-sectioned-multi-select 832
5 shop-app 136
6 OpenArabic 61
7 hackerweb-native-2 58
8 expo-chroma-key-camera 32
9 NativeShop 31
10 meteor-react-native-starter 20
11 react-native-silicon-db 4
12 fallout4-terminal-hack-reactnative 3
13 Ecommerce 3
14 medium-unlimited-android 3
15 RNWebSearch 1
16 React-Native-Maps-Animation-Tutorial 0

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