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Top 16 Java Education Projects
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
Project mention: Hello-Algo: Interactive Visual Data Structures and Algorithms in 14 Languages | | 2024-08-17 -
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
This is a nice comment and speaks to the notion that every medium has its own characteristic feel even is not "better" by some metric (e.g. vinyl vs CDs, vs cassettes, vs live radio, vs mp3, etc.).
A similar feeling of immediacy without any intervening concerns is hacking away at a Processing [] sketch. In some sense it's the complete opposite of retro computing, but it engenders similar experiences. Such as a programming novice typing in a few numbers and being amazed that they've immediately made something interactive and colorful, and temptingly close to being called a game.
Project mention: Digital: A digital logic designer and circuit simulator | | 2024-08-10
Project mention: Ask HN: What note taking app do you use and why? | | 2024-08-12
Emacs with Orgmode on the desktop. That's where most of my editing work happens. And for mobile the app Markor, synced via rsync in Termux with my desktop.
Additionally the app Joplin, which syncs via WebDAV to my server and is used by both me and my wife on both desktop and mobile to share notes, shopping list, web clips etc.
Joplin is excellent for sharing but its editing capabilities leave a bit to wish for. That's where Markor comes into play. Both support Markdown, so its easy to use both.
Sakai is a freely available, feature-rich technology solution for learning, teaching, research and collaboration. Sakai is an open source software suite developed by a diverse and global adopter community.
Project mention: The Current State of AI in Open Source LMS: Moodle, Canvas, Open edX, and Sakai Compared | | 2024-06-17Website: Sakai
Project mention: Artemis – Interactive Learning with Automated Feedback | | 2024-01-16
iSAQB Curriculum for the CPSA - Foundation Level. This repository contains copyrighted work.
University of Helsinki’s free massive open online course (MOOC) completed exercises. 2020 solutions
QuickMem: Learn by flashcards
Java Education discussion
Java Education related posts
Cosy Computing
Want to be a software engineer? The difficulty of top down learning.
Our tools shape our selves
Let's compile like it's 1992
Random Animations
Program a "Weakest link" for myself IRL game
Ben Fry Resigns from the Processing Foundation
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 8 Oct 2024
What are some of the best open-source Education projects in Java? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | hello-algo | 96,123 |
2 | processing | 6,470 |
3 | logisim-evolution | 4,771 |
4 | Digital | 4,314 |
5 | markor | 3,725 |
6 | rars | 1,176 |
7 | Sakai | 1,072 |
8 | processing-android | 779 |
9 | Artemis | 487 |
10 | OpenOLAT | 321 |
11 | java-solutions | 179 |
12 | curriculum-foundation | 60 |
13 | java-ngrok | 48 |
14 | mooc-java-programming-i | 43 |
15 | cas | 30 |
16 | quick-mem | 12 |