Elixir Queue

Open-source Elixir projects categorized as Queue

Top 23 Elixir Queue Projects

  • oban

    💎 Robust job processing in Elixir, backed by modern PostgreSQL and SQLite3

    Project mention: Show HN: PgQueuer – Transform Your PostgreSQL into a Powerful Job Queue | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-08-18

    I’ve been thinking about the potential for PostgreSQL-backed job queue libraries to share a common schema. For instance, I’m a big fan of Oban in Elixir: https://github.com/sorentwo/oban

    Given that there are many Sidekiq-compatible libraries across various languages, it might be beneficial to have a similar approach for PostgreSQL-based job queues. This could allow for job processing in different languages while maintaining compatibility.

    Alternatively, we could consider developing a core job queue library in Rust, with language-specific bindings. This would provide a robust, cross-language solution while leveraging the performance and safety benefits of Rust.

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  • broadway

    Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir

    Project mention: Switching to Elixir | news.ycombinator.com | 2023-11-09
  • exq

    Job processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq

    Project mention: How to Use Flume in your Elixir Application | dev.to | 2024-04-16

    Oban, backed by PostgreSQL or SQLite, also provides a queue-based job processing system. Exq, on the other hand, is backed by Redis. It provides features similar to Flume, but without built-in rate limiting and batch processing capabilities.

  • verk

    A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍

  • honeydew

    Job Queue for Elixir. Clustered or Local. Straight BEAM. Optional Ecto. 💪🍈

  • amqp

    Idiomatic Elixir client for RabbitMQ (by pma)

  • que

    Simple Job Processing in Elixir with Mnesia :zap: (by sheharyarn)

  • kafka_ex

    Kafka client library for Elixir

  • Rihanna

    Rihanna is a high performance postgres-backed job queue for Elixir

  • ecto_job

    Transactional job queue with Ecto, PostgreSQL and GenStage

  • opq

    Elixir queue! A simple, in-memory queue with worker pooling and rate limiting in Elixir.

  • task_bunny

    TaskBunny is a background processing application written in Elixir and uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend

  • kaffe

    An opinionated Elixir wrapper around brod, the Erlang Kafka client, that supports encrypted connections to Heroku Kafka out of the box.

  • conduit

    A message queue framework, with support for middleware and multiple adapters. (by conduitframework)

  • Ravenx

    Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications

  • elixir_nsq

    An NSQ client for Elixir and Erlang, written in Elixir.

  • flume

    A blazing fast job processing system backed by GenStage & Redis. (by scripbox)

  • Cafex

    Cafex is a pure Elixir implementation of Kafka client

  • exrabbit

    Simple rabbitmq bindings for elixir

  • work_queue

    Simple implementation of the hungry-consumer model in Elixir

  • faktory_worker

    Elixir Faktory worker https://hexdocs.pm/faktory_worker

  • qex

    Queue data structure for Elixir-lang

  • kafka_consumer

    Consumer for Kafka using brod and elixir (production ready)

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Queue projects in Elixir? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 oban 3,280
2 broadway 2,409
3 exq 1,502
4 verk 723
5 honeydew 722
6 amqp 678
7 que 667
8 kafka_ex 595
9 Rihanna 437
10 ecto_job 275
11 opq 262
12 task_bunny 202
13 kaffe 149
14 conduit 129
15 Ravenx 110
16 elixir_nsq 89
17 flume 78
18 Cafex 70
19 exrabbit 48
20 work_queue 41
21 faktory_worker 38
22 qex 32
23 kafka_consumer 26

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