C++ Windows

Open-source C++ projects categorized as Windows

Top 23 C++ Window Projects

  1. Windows Terminal

    The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!

    Project mention: Deploying Mancala with Minikube — A beginners guide | dev.to | 2024-12-25

    Microsoft Terminal

  2. CodeRabbit

    CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers. Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

    CodeRabbit logo
  3. ImHex

    🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.

    Project mention: Capstone Disassembler Framework | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-09-25
  4. x64dbg

    An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis.

    Project mention: Debugging bugs in x64dbg debugger. Step out to GUI | dev.to | 2024-11-19

    Several months have passed since the last part was posted. Maintainers of x64dbg have continued to improve its functionality. They also opened a task to update the development tools. So in this post, we will continue the analysis based on commit f518e50 code and, where possible, we'll compare it with the commit 9785d1a, which is accurate at the time of writing.

  5. calculator

    Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows

    Project mention: Microsoft won't support Office apps on Windows 10 after October 14th | news.ycombinator.com | 2025-01-15

    > Launching something as simple as the calculator takes a second or two to load in. What could it possibly be doing to warrant such a long load time?

    Currently, telemetry [1]. Soon, "AI" probably.

    [1] https://github.com/Microsoft/calculator/issues/148

  6. cmder

    Lovely console emulator package for Windows

    Project mention: Switch php version on windows with one command | dev.to | 2024-11-25

    Go to https://cmder.app, download and extract the cmder zip where ever suits you, next checkout this posts How cmder made my life easier - part I and part II where you can find details on how to install cmder and configure your own aliases.

  7. winget-cli

    WinGet is the Windows Package Manager. This project includes a CLI (Command Line Interface), PowerShell modules, and a COM (Component Object Model) API (Application Programming Interface).

    Project mention: GitHub introduces sub-issues, issue types and advanced search | news.ycombinator.com | 2025-01-19

    Microsoft seems to use a similar bot themselves, not sure how it is called or whether it is OSS: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/4765#issuecom...

  8. notepad-plus-plus

    Notepad++ official repository

    Project mention: 16 Best Open Source Software in 2025: From Text Editing to Media Playback - Ultimate Free Tools Guide🛠🔥🔥 | dev.to | 2025-01-09

    1. Notepad++

  9. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  10. FreeCAD

    This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.

    Project mention: FreeCAD 1.0 | news.ycombinator.com | 2025-01-21
  11. keepassxc

    KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.

    Project mention: Passkey marketing is lying to you (it's simple) | news.ycombinator.com | 2025-01-04

    Oof, I found a whole ton of anti-open-source-software quotes on the related Github issue https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues/10406 :

    > When required, the authenticator must perform user verification (PIN, biometric, or some other unlock mechanism). If this is not possible, the authenticator should not handle the request.

    > [A passkey provider certification process] is currently being defined and is almost complete.

    > This implementation is not spec compliant and has the potential to be blocked by relying parties.

    > Then you should require its use when passkeys are enabled ... [You may be blocked because] you have a passkey provider that is known to not be spec compliant.

    > I suspect we'll see [biometrics] required by regulation in some geo-regions.

    > I see a lot of misinformation and incorrect guesses about the intentions of various parties in the recent threads. If it would be helpful, I'm willing to have a [private, non-public] call with interested parties to try and answer some of the questions that have been raised to ensure we have a common technical understanding of FIDO/WebAuthn.

    I felt reasonably positive about Passkeys while writing this blog post, but continuing to read the spec authors' insistence that only Big Tech may handle these problems is extremely worrying. I really want to like this feature, but the authors are acting like complete jerks and driving me away.

  12. Cocos2d

    Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe. Its core has evolved to serve as the foundation for Cocos Creator 1.x & 2.x.

  13. MMKV

    An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.

    Project mention: Understanding security in React Native applications | dev.to | 2024-04-03

    react-native-mmkv is a wrapper around MMKV that allows you to easily implement secure storage in your app. It is arguably the fastest key-value storage for React Native apps

  14. shadPS4

    PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++

    Project mention: PS4 Emulator for Windows,Linux,macOS | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-08-20
  15. TranslucentTB

    A lightweight utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent.

  16. nekoray

    Qt based cross-platform GUI proxy configuration manager (backend: sing-box)

  17. OpenRCT2

    An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 🎢

    Project mention: Top 8 Gaming open-source projects | dev.to | 2024-06-17

    5. OpenRCT2

  18. DearPyGui

    Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies

  19. OpenFrameworks

    openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.

    Project mention: OpenFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-08-09
  20. AutoHotkey

    AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented scripting utility for Windows.

  21. ConEmu

    Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style, hotkeys and more

  22. olive

    Free open-source non-linear video editor

  23. multipass

    Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances

    Project mention: Multipass: Ubuntu VMs on demand for any workstation | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-11-28
  24. Squirrel

    An installation and update framework for Windows desktop apps

    Project mention: Show HN: Konty – A Balsamiq-alternative lo-fi wireframe tool for modern apps | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-09-12

    Looking into how this is built. I see they use something called Squirrel.Window for managing installs. I can't believe I've never heard of this until now! https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows.

    Fastest loading electron app I've ever seen.

  25. openscad

    OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller

    Project mention: OpenSCAD: The Programmer's Solid 3D CAD Modeller | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-09-14

    Multi thread support is an experimental feature available on nightly build (and needing to be enabled). The bug tracking it is interesting to read, it has been a long journey... https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/391

  26. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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C++ Windows related posts

  • Building a Cross-Platform Barcode Scanner for Mobile, Desktop, and Web with Flutter

    3 projects | dev.to | 7 Feb 2025
  • Mailspring: Cross-platform, fast, open source mail client

    3 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 2 Feb 2025
  • Show HN: LightCombatManager 3.0 – A simple combat manager for d20-based RPGs

    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 31 Jan 2025
  • Microsoft won't support Office apps on Windows 10 after October 14th

    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 15 Jan 2025
  • Passkey marketing is lying to you (it's simple)

    2 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 4 Jan 2025
  • OpenLoco/OpenLoco: An open source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion

    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 6 Dec 2024
  • Streamline Your Winget Package Updates with PowerShell

    1 project | dev.to | 1 Dec 2024
  • A note from our sponsor - CodeRabbit
    coderabbit.ai | 10 Feb 2025
    Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR. Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source Window projects in C++? This list will help you:

# Project Stars
1 Windows Terminal 96,663
2 ImHex 46,941
3 x64dbg 45,333
4 calculator 30,020
5 cmder 26,159
6 winget-cli 23,765
7 notepad-plus-plus 23,726
8 FreeCAD 22,914
9 keepassxc 22,159
10 Cocos2d 18,378
11 MMKV 17,663
12 shadPS4 17,406
13 TranslucentTB 16,439
14 nekoray 14,323
15 OpenRCT2 13,834
16 DearPyGui 13,683
17 OpenFrameworks 10,036
18 AutoHotkey 9,740
19 ConEmu 8,704
20 olive 8,367
21 multipass 8,061
22 Squirrel 7,487
23 openscad 7,410

CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers
Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

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