C++ Networking

Open-source C++ projects categorized as Networking

Top 23 C++ Networking Projects

  1. Muduo

    Event-driven network library for multi-threaded Linux server in C++11

  2. CodeRabbit

    CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers. Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

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  3. ZeroTier

    A Smart Ethernet Switch for Earth

    Project mention: The Cheapest NAS | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-07-03

    Tailscale uses Go https://tailscale.com/security#tailscale-is-written-in-go which might explain the larger sizes.

    A cursory look through https://github.com/zerotier/ZeroTierOne shows more C++ and some Rust. Not sure how much static linking is involved here.

  4. cpp-httplib

    A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library

  5. C++ Workflow

    C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework

  6. ZeroMQ

    ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1

    Project mention: ZeroMQ: High-Performance Concurrency Framework | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-07-14

    They explained why they did this here: https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/issues/2376

    Bottom line is that their licensing with a static linking exception was kind of weird and creating a lot of issues combining zeromq code even with other open source licenses (like Apache 2.0).

    Interesting to see how they gathered permission to do this from the developer community. License changes like this are usually hard to realize unless you insist on copyright transfers. But in this case they managed to do it without that. So it was a collective decision. Hard to argue with that.

  7. POCO

    The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.

    Project mention: Poco C++ Libraries: Build High-Performance Cross-Platform Apps for IoT and More | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-08-28
  8. GameNetworkingSockets

    Reliable & unreliable messages over UDP. Robust message fragmentation & reassembly. P2P networking / NAT traversal. Encryption.

    Project mention: Quake 3 Source Code Review: Network Model | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-11-23

    GameNetworkingSockets from Valve. Maybe not middleware enough? You have to implement the serialization and a state update strategy yourself.

    Reliable & unreliable messages over UDP. Robust message fragmentation & reassembly. P2P networking / NAT traversal. Encryption.


  9. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  10. Proxygen

    A collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.

    Project mention: Backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to SSH server compromise | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-03-29

    Looking forward to the time when Meta will make https://github.com/facebookincubator/zstrong.git public

    found it mentioned in https://github.com/facebook/proxygen/blob/main/build/fbcode_..., looks like it's going to be cousin of zstd, but maybe for the stronger compression use cases

  11. C++ REST SDK

    The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services.

  12. WebSocket++

    C++ websocket client/server library

  13. cpr

    C++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.

  14. nghttp2

    nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library and tools

  15. Boost.Beast

    HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11

  16. evpp

    A modern C++ network library for developing high performance network services in TCP/UDP/HTTP protocols.

  17. PcapPlusPlus

    PcapPlusPlus is a multiplatform C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting of network packets. It is designed to be efficient, powerful and easy to use. It provides C++ wrappers for the most popular packet processing engines such as libpcap, Npcap, WinPcap, DPDK, AF_XDP and PF_RING.

    Project mention: PcapPlusPlus v24.09 is out – C++ library for analyzing network packets | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-09-25
  18. cpp-netlib

    The C++ Network Library Project -- cross-platform, standards compliant networking library.

  19. Restbed

    Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++14 applications.

  20. libquic

    QUIC, a multiplexed stream transport over UDP

  21. Silicon

    A high performance, middleware oriented C++14 http web framework please use matt-42/lithium instead (by matt-42)

  22. RESTinio

    Cross-platform, efficient, customizable, and robust asynchronous HTTP(S)/WebSocket server C++ library with the right balance between performance and ease of use

  23. copperspice

    Set of cross platform C++ libraries (Core, Gui, Network, Multimedia, SQL, Vulkan, etc)

    Project mention: U++ – Cross-Platform App Development Framework | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-06-30

    If you like using Qt but you also want a more modernize C++ version of it, you can try https://github.com/copperspice/copperspice/ and I'm pretty sure its license have you covered.

  24. roc-toolkit

    Real-time audio streaming over the network.

    Project mention: Show HN: AOO – real-time audio streaming and messaging | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-10-12

    * How does this compare to Roc, if you've looked at it? https://github.com/roc-streaming/roc-toolkit

    * Would it be possible to have pulse/pipewire sink/source examples to quickly get started on desktop?

  25. DPP

    C++ Discord API Bot Library - D++ is Lightweight and scalable for small and huge bots!

  26. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Networking projects in C++? This list will help you:

# Project Stars
1 Muduo 15,042
2 ZeroTier 14,947
3 cpp-httplib 13,640
4 C++ Workflow 13,479
5 ZeroMQ 9,919
6 POCO 8,604
7 GameNetworkingSockets 8,448
8 Proxygen 8,177
9 C++ REST SDK 8,073
10 WebSocket++ 7,210
11 cpr 6,719
12 nghttp2 4,694
13 Boost.Beast 4,431
14 evpp 3,641
15 PcapPlusPlus 2,802
16 cpp-netlib 1,997
17 Restbed 1,940
18 libquic 1,788
19 Silicon 1,723
20 RESTinio 1,185
21 copperspice 1,139
22 roc-toolkit 1,123
23 DPP 1,118

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