C sega-genesis

Open-source C projects categorized as sega-genesis

Top 8 C sega-genesi Projects

  • SGDK

    SGDK - A free and open development kit for the Sega Mega Drive

    Project mention: FC8 – Faster 68K Decompression (2016) | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-04-29

    I'm working on a game for Amiga (another 68k-based platform) and settled on ZX0 to decompress assets on the fly: https://github.com/einar-saukas/ZX0

    I was originally using LZ4, but I switched to ZX0 after learning that it can do in-place decompression, which means I don't have to allocate separate memory for the compressed data. I'm very happy with the compression ratio, and decompression of large assets (~48kb) only takes a few frames on a 7MHz 68000.

    Also of note is LZ4W, included in Sega Genesis Dev Kit (and discussed in the comments section of OP's article), a variant of LZ4 that only uses word-aligned operations. That makes it much faster on the 68000, which can struggle to efficiently handle 8-bit data. More info here: https://github.com/Stephane-D/SGDK/blob/master/bin/lz4w.txt

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  • cave-story-md

    A fan port of Cave Story for the Sega Mega Drive

  • 240pTestSuite

    A homebrew software suite for video game consoles developed to help in the evaluation of upscalers, upscan converters, line doublers and of course TV processing of 240p video. The Wii and Dreamcast versions have modes for 480i and 480p evaluation as well.

    Project mention: What CRT should I buy for the n64? | /r/n64 | 2023-12-09

    If I might add: using 240pTestSuite or something similar (there are specific hardwares to output a grid signal and the likes) is a good way to check for convergence issues or bad picture quality overall.

  • d32xr

    A modern port of Doom for the Sega 32X

  • Nuked-MD

    Cycle accurate Mega Drive emulator

  • SGDKRocks

    Some example code for SGDK.

  • adventure-rpg

    Game in development for the Sega Genesis utilizing SGDK. Project started as a text based adventure RPG and has now evolved into a sprite based game. More details to come.

  • ym2020

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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C sega-genesis related posts

  • FC8 – Faster 68K Decompression (2016)

    3 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 29 Apr 2024
  • iHaveNoReasonToDoThisOtherThanBraggingRights

    3 projects | /r/ProgrammerHumor | 21 Jun 2023
  • Crowd sourcing for genesis

    1 project | /r/SEGAGENESIS | 23 Apr 2023
  • If I were to try to make a simple 2D RPG or visual novel is the n64 easier than genesis Dreamcast and Saturn?

    2 projects | /r/n64 | 9 Apr 2023
  • Problem with compiling

    1 project | /r/SGDK | 30 Jan 2023
  • Best way to create a map with enemy characters using C?

    1 project | /r/C_Programming | 23 Jan 2023
  • At least college isn't making me learn Objective-C.

    2 projects | /r/ProgrammerHumor | 10 Jan 2023
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 1 Dec 2024
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What are some of the best open-source sega-genesi projects in C? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 SGDK 1,778
2 cave-story-md 571
3 240pTestSuite 243
4 d32xr 161
5 Nuked-MD 150
6 SGDKRocks 13
7 adventure-rpg 6
8 ym2020 4

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