C# steam-api

Open-source C# projects categorized as steam-api

Top 9 C# steam-api Projects

  • ArchiSteamFarm

    C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.

    Project mention: Is still safe to use steam idle? | /r/Steam | 2023-12-07

    Why should they? But be sure to use Open Source Projects like https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm or https://github.com/JonasNilson/idle_master_extended so that no funny business happens due to your account due to shady idler programs. Idler programs simply mimic what you're doing and Steam doesn't care about you actually played the game or idled the time since Playtime is IR-reversible and the more you idle, the more you can't refund the game which suits them well.

  • SaaSHub

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  • SteamAchievementManager

    A manager for game achievements in Steam.

    Project mention: Is this a thing? Anti-piracy achievements | /r/Steam | 2023-12-08

    Pirates CAN'T unlock Steam SERVER achievements because Piracy is on Local files so he get that part right and no https://github.com/gibbed/SteamAchievementManager isn't Emulating anything for Pirates because it merely mimics a "Customer" can do and Steam checks if the user is an Owner to let SAM do the Achievements unlock thing. Also please read How the https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/achievements work because Steam doesn't care about how the Developers use the "Tool" they given to them for their achievements.

  • CreamInstaller

    Automatically finds all installed Steam, Epic and Ubisoft games with their respective DLC-related DLL locations on the user's computer, parses SteamCMD, Steam Store and Epic Games Store for user-selected games' DLCs, then provides a very simple graphical interface utilizing the gathered information for the maintenance of DLC unlockers.

    Project mention: cyperpunk legit steam copy with pirated PL dlc | /r/PiratedGames | 2023-12-11

    hello guys so as i said in the title i found some dlc out there but its from the gog copy will it work if i downloaded that and placed it in the steam files with CreamInstaller ?

  • idle_master_extended

    🃏 Get your Steam Trading Cards the Fast Way (Fast Mode Extension 🚀)

    Project mention: Is still safe to use steam idle? | /r/Steam | 2023-12-07

    Why should they? But be sure to use Open Source Projects like https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm or https://github.com/JonasNilson/idle_master_extended so that no funny business happens due to your account due to shady idler programs. Idler programs simply mimic what you're doing and Steam doesn't care about you actually played the game or idled the time since Playtime is IR-reversible and the more you idle, the more you can't refund the game which suits them well.

  • HourBoostr

    Two programs for idling Steam game hours and trading cards

  • ASFFreeGames

    Collect free steam games while asf is running

  • SteamP2PInfo

    C# WPF application to show current Steam P2P connections and ping in any Steam game

    Project mention: Begging the Devs for an Improvement on the Coop Mode | /r/remnantgame | 2023-12-08

    That can't be true because there is an app that does exactly that: https://github.com/tremwil/SteamP2PInfo. It even works in Elden Ring multiplayer

  • SteamDatabaseBackend

    ⚒ The application that keeps SteamDB up to date with the latest changes directly from Steam, additionally it runs an IRC bot and announces various Steam stuff in #steamdb and #steamdb-announce on Freenode.

  • Dysnomia.Common.SteamWebAPI

    A C# library to easily get data from Steam Web API

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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C# steam-api related posts

  • Begging the Devs for an Improvement on the Coop Mode

    1 project | /r/remnantgame | 8 Dec 2023
  • Is this a thing? Anti-piracy achievements

    1 project | /r/Steam | 8 Dec 2023
  • Is still safe to use steam idle?

    2 projects | /r/Steam | 7 Dec 2023
  • Home Networking Issues, can't connect to any of my services from the same network as my home server.

    1 project | /r/homelab | 6 Oct 2023
  • Freestar Rangers/Star Eagle questline bugs

    1 project | /r/Starfield | 14 Sep 2023
  • PSA: Download SAMS achiebement enabler if you're using mods!

    1 project | /r/BaldursGate3 | 25 Aug 2023
  • Steam Achievements

    1 project | /r/Steam | 10 Jul 2023
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 4 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source steam-api projects in C#? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 ArchiSteamFarm 11,134
2 SteamAchievementManager 5,527
3 CreamInstaller 3,794
4 idle_master_extended 2,762
5 HourBoostr 570
6 ASFFreeGames 134
7 SteamP2PInfo 108
8 SteamDatabaseBackend 10
9 Dysnomia.Common.SteamWebAPI 0

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