C# Psp

Open-source C# projects categorized as Psp

Top 3 C# Psp Projects

  1. PSXPackager

    A utility to convert Playstation disc images in various formats to PBP format and back

  2. Nutrient

    Nutrient – The #1 PDF SDK Library, trusted by 10K+ developers. Other PDF SDKs promise a lot - then break. Laggy scrolling, poor mobile UX, tons of bugs, and lack of support cost you endless frustrations. Nutrient’s SDK handles billion-page workloads - so you don’t have to debug PDFs. Used by ~1 billion end users in more than 150 different countries.

    Nutrient logo
  3. ATRACTool-Reloaded

    GUI-based and Open source ATRAC3 / ATRAC3+ / ATRAC9 Converter.

  4. Gibbed.LetUsClingTogether

    Tools & code for use with Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together remake for PSP and its multi-platform remaster Tactics Ogre: Reborn.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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C# Psp related posts

  • Extracting and injecting text into PSP games? Fate/Extra CCC

    3 projects | /r/romhacking | 4 May 2022


What are some of the best open-source Psp projects in C#? This list will help you:

# Project Stars
1 PSXPackager 271
2 ATRACTool-Reloaded 64
3 Gibbed.LetUsClingTogether 26

Nutrient – The #1 PDF SDK Library, trusted by 10K+ developers
Other PDF SDKs promise a lot - then break. Laggy scrolling, poor mobile UX, tons of bugs, and lack of support cost you endless frustrations. Nutrient’s SDK handles billion-page workloads - so you don’t have to debug PDFs. Used by ~1 billion end users in more than 150 different countries.