Show HN: DPaZ – Desktop Pan and Zoom
Black magic Micro or Mini Panel?
Show HN: Keyboardminder – Use the keyboard more and build a better workflow
Show HN: Screencast and accesibility app: KeyPress OSD
KeyPress OSD – a unique OSD for screencasts; my first ever developed app
Show HN: Fixkey is a keyboard-focused AI copilot for writing
Automating Workday Job Application Forms
Wordstar-keys: Implement wordstar cursor control keys in Linux using xkb
Honour mode tip: Use a macro tool to save build/Tav presets
Is this autoclicker bannable?
Lailloken-UI can now be community translated and adapted to non-English game clients
Guide (or tips and tricks) to get through the campaign quickly? It's taking me several days to complete.
One day guys , just one !
Looking for any advice on a control fix/workaround
PoE Mechanic Watch Update
Fast campaign for begginers
Which level guide do you guys use? Are there more detailed ones?
Hook Counter Overlay - AHK Tool
Here's a script that hides the mouse cursor when typing. It's awesome! However, if you've increased the size of the mouse cursor (for accessibility reasons), the cursor becomes pixelated and blurry. Any idea why? And how to fix?
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
Windows Taskbar Color Shifter - based on jNizM's script
Finally wrote a gui-based password generator with a handful of options for v2. Wanted to share it with everyone. The class can be pasted into any script and won't interfere with your other code.
Polygon: Mac Rectangle inspired window manager for Windows 10/11 with AutoHotkey
VD.ahk: AutoHotKey key-bindings for Virtual Desktops
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
Confused on which finger to use for which key on Canary
2 questions that are unrelated to each other
Alternative Software
Show HN: Tiny configurable ChatGPT/GPT4 tool written in AutoHotkey
Learn AutoHotKey by stealing my scripts
installed Live Enhancement Suite(LES) and it blew my mind!
I made a GUI for yt-dlp (I know there are a lot of GUIs) - tell me what you think of it
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
How are the trigram stats for Canary calculated?
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
Lailloken UI v1.50 (beta) launch: Complete overhaul with focus on UI & UX
ChatKey is small tool built using AutoHotkey that enables you to use your own ChatGPT/GPT-4 prompts in any application that supports text input
ChatKey: GPT-4 in any application that supports text input
Need help converting AHKv1 => Object{} "Between 0x312 And 0x138" statement to AHKv2
Ask HN: What AI tools do you use to boost productivity?
EasyAutoGUI for ahkv2 - features, functions, and proper credits
A helping hand, brother, sister
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
Show HN: ChatKey – Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey
PZAutoPauser: Automatically pause your game when windows decides something is more important than a horde of zombies.
support for WASD movement
How to turn off Fn keys
How do you convert .img hd files to .chd?
A way to open drops while AFK [PC]