Assembly Linux

Open-source Assembly projects categorized as Linux

Top 11 Assembly Linux Projects

  • asm

    Learning assembly for Linux x86_64

  • SaaSHub

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  • mu

    Soul of a tiny new machine. More thorough tests → More comprehensible and rewrite-friendly software → More resilient society. (by akkartik)

    Project mention: Ask HN: Platform for 11 year old to create video games? | | 2024-09-20

    I have a kinda unconventional way to teach kids programming 1:1 using tools I make myself.

    10 years ago I was using

    Now I've started using

    It's only a couple of kids each time. But they seem to be doing ok.

  • systrack

    📡🐧 Linux kernel syscall implementation tracker

    Project mention: A Linux kernel syscall implementation tracker | | 2024-07-20

    Thank you very much :). I am using static analysis of kernel images (vmlinux ELF) that are built with debug information. Each table you see was extracted from a kernel built by my tool, Systrack, that configures and builds kernels configured to have all the syscalls available. The code is heavily commented and available on GitHub if you are interested:

    I realized soon in the process that simply looking at kernel sources was not enough to extract everything accurately, also I wanted this to be a tool to extract syscalls actually implemented from a given kernel image, so that's what it does.

    Your approach should be fine, that is what any other language does basically: rely on uapi headers provided by the kernel (just beware that some may be generated at build time inside e.g. include/asm/generated/xxx). Add a generic function that takes an arbitrary syscall number and an arbitrary amount of args to make raw syscalls for the weird ones and you should be good. After all, even in the C library headers some of the "weird" syscalls aren't present sometimes.

  • zsnes

    A maintained fork of ZSNES, a Super Nintendo emulator. The original project needs patches to build and is not maintained anymore:

  • wonkey

    Wonkey is a easy to learn, oriented object, modern and cross-platform programming language for creating cross-platform video games. Pull requests welcome! Join community

  • btry

    Battery info program for x86-64 Linux laptops in 384 bytes of machine code

    Project mention: Show HN: A (marginally) useful x86-64 ELF executable in 466 bytes | | 2024-03-27
  • KiddieOS_Development

    KiddieOS is a basic open-source operating system being developed by the free course D.S.O.S [Developing Simple Operating Systems].

  • sbasm3

    SB-Assembler Version 3 - Cross Macro Assembler

  • bfboot

    A full brainfuck to bootable OS image compiler.

  • asmc

    Masm compatible assembler

  • orterforth

    fig-Forth for modern and retro platforms.

    Project mention: Orterforth: Fig-Forth for modern and retro platforms | | 2024-08-04
NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Linux projects in Assembly? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 asm 2,238
2 mu 1,380
3 systrack 196
4 zsnes 127
5 wonkey 121
6 btry 59
7 KiddieOS_Development 46
8 sbasm3 35
9 bfboot 34
10 asmc 32
11 orterforth 3

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