Assembly Assembler

Open-source Assembly projects categorized as Assembler

Top 20 Assembly Assembler Projects

  • HelloSilicon

    An introduction to ARM64 assembly on Apple Silicon Macs

    Project mention: Hello world in C inline assembly (2020) | | 2024-06-16

    Not inline, but this was linked in a comment on HN a few days ago

  • SaaSHub

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  • z88dk

    The development kit for over a hundred z80 family machines - c compiler, assembler, linker, libraries.

    Project mention: One engineer beat the ban on home computers in socialist Yugoslavia | | 2024-10-24

    If you want to write software for this machine in C it is well supported by z88dk:

  • Cwerg

    The best C-like language that can be implemented in 10kLOC.

    Project mention: Cwerg: C-like language that can be implemented in 10kLOC | | 2024-03-21

    Perhaps these have already been dealt with and I'm missing critical information. If so, my apologies. Great work, in any case.


  • fasmg

    flat assembler g - adaptable assembly engine

  • AssemblyLine

    A C library and binary for generating machine code of x86_64 assembly language and executing on the fly without invoking another compiler, assembler or linker.

  • first_nes

    Create your own games for the Nintendo Entertainment System! This "starter" game is easily extensible for your own projects. Includes references.

  • supermon64

    Original sources and binaries for Supermon+64 V1.2 by Jim Butterfield

  • Simple-Polymorphic-Engine-SPE32

    Simple Polymorphic Engine (SPE32) is a simple polymorphic engine for encrypting code and data. It is an amateur project that can be used to demonstrate what polymorphic engines are.

  • lxp32-cpu

    A lightweight, open source and FPGA-friendly 32-bit CPU core based on an original instruction set

  • asmc

    Masm compatible assembler

  • sbasm3

    SB-Assembler Version 3 - Cross Macro Assembler

  • AsmX

    🚀 AsmX - lang programming

  • helloworld

    Hello World using 6 different methods in Assembly Language for Raspberry Pi

    Project mention: Hjalfi writes Hello World for CP/M seven times[ASM,C,Fortran,COBOL,BASIC,Forth] [video] | | 2023-12-17

    If you're interested in that sort of thing, I wrote Hello World using 6 different methods in Assembler for Raspberry Pi. Even if not using a Raspberry Pi, it might be of interest to anyone that wants to understand what the difference is between the various clib methods, (puts, write, etc.).

  • mandelbrot_riscv_assembler

    An example in bare metal RV32 assembly for the longan nano board

  • 0x01-ARM-32-Hacking-Hello-World

    ARM 32-bit Raspberry Pi Hacking Hello World example in Kali Linux.

  • lz4_rv32i_decode

    LZ4 decoder in assembly for RiscV RV32IC

  • R65

    Code and emulator of my home built R65 computer, built around 1978

  • dc540-0x00006

    DC540 hacking challenge 0x00006.

  • orterforth

    fig-Forth for modern and retro platforms.

    Project mention: Orterforth: Fig-Forth for modern and retro platforms | | 2024-08-04
  • trdos

    Turkish Rational DOS 8086 (v1) and 386 (v2) Operating System Kernel (TRDOS project) files

    Project mention: Custom x86 DOS implementation, playing audio files and PC demos. (Turkish) [video] | | 2024-06-01
NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Assembly Assembler related posts

  • RISC-V Assembly projects

    1 project | /r/RISCV | 2 Jul 2023
  • fox32os - multitasking operating system for a custom architecture

    1 project | /r/osdev | 31 Jan 2023
  • What is a cheap (~$10) Risc-v that's simple to get started with?

    1 project | /r/RISCV | 3 Sep 2022
  • Jonesforth – A sometimes minimal FORTH compiler and tutorial (2007)

    11 projects | | 13 May 2022
  • Hacking-Windows: A FREE Windows C development course where we will learn the Win32API and reverse engineer each step utilizing IDA Free in both an x86 and x64 environment.

    1 project | /r/windowsc | 5 Apr 2022
  • Hacking-Windows: A FREE Windows C development course where we will learn the Win32API and reverse engineer each step utilizing IDA Free in both an x86 and x64 environment. (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)

    1 project | /r/johngrillo | 1 Apr 2022
  • Hacking-Windows: A FREE Windows C development course where we will learn the Win32API and reverse engineer each step utilizing IDA Free in both an x86 and x64 environment. (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)

    1 project | /r/RedSec | 31 Mar 2022
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 8 Dec 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source Assembler projects in Assembly? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 HelloSilicon 4,424
2 z88dk 922
3 Cwerg 492
4 fasmg 219
5 AssemblyLine 184
6 first_nes 146
7 supermon64 142
8 Simple-Polymorphic-Engine-SPE32 137
9 lxp32-cpu 59
10 asmc 50
11 sbasm3 36
12 AsmX 28
13 helloworld 20
14 mandelbrot_riscv_assembler 17
15 0x01-ARM-32-Hacking-Hello-World 13
16 lz4_rv32i_decode 9
17 R65 7
18 dc540-0x00006 7
19 orterforth 5
20 trdos 2

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Did you konow that Assembly is
the 32nd most popular programming language
based on number of metions?