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Top 19 Assembly 6502-assembly Projects
Fully documented and annotated source code for the cassette version of Elite on the BBC Micro
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Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
The NES version is my favorite 8-bits game. Such mind blowing to have 3D graphics on this console. The manual referred to rock hermit, I spent many hours searching for them, without encountering any... I remembered discovering by accident how to escape hyperdrive and be assaulted by Thargoids. What a game!
Document source files is on GitHub [1].
An annotated disassembly with supplemental materials of the Contra (US) and Probotector NES game.
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the BBC Micro with a 6502 Second Processor
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Project mention: Elite: "The game that couldn't be written" -- tech overview | /r/Demoscene | 2023-12-07
The fully documented source for the BBC Micro (6502) source is here:
Explore the Apple 2 HGR amd DHGR esoteric screen layout with bit twiddling and byte manipulation.
Project mention: Show HN: HypraFap – Commodore 64 adult image viewer | | 2024-02-12
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Assembly 6502-assembly discussion
Assembly 6502-assembly related posts
MSX Elite
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on NES
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on NES
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on NES
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on NES
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on NES
Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on NES
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 9 Sep 2024
What are some of the best open-source 6502-assembly projects in Assembly? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | cassette-elite-beebasm | 427 |
2 | nes-elite-beebasm | 370 |
3 | nes-contra-us | 168 |
4 | c64-elite-flicker-free | 79 |
5 | gridrunner | 68 |
6 | 6502sp-elite-beebasm | 33 |
7 | hb6502 | 30 |
8 | revs-beebasm | 30 |
9 | master-elite-beebasm | 26 |
10 | teletext-elite | 19 |
11 | StarshipCommand2022 | 18 |
12 | psychedelia | 11 |
13 | apple2_hgrbyte | 7 |
14 | dc540-0x00006 | 7 |
15 | getlamp-game | 5 |
16 | c64_asm_book_listings | 4 |
17 | hyprafap | 4 |
18 | NES-dev | 2 |
19 | sunset | 1 |