
yesod-persistent | swagger-petstore | |
10 | 29 | |
2,655 | 17,206 | |
0.2% | 0.4% | |
5.4 | 6.8 | |
12 days ago | 16 days ago | |
Haskell | Mustache | |
MIT License | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License |
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- It's 2023, so of course I'm learning Common Lisp
so people are making these
I also looked into Snap ( and Yesod ( for Haskell. I didn't really get anywhere with those though because I had build issues with dependencies and was in a bit of a hurry so I put them off for later.
[ANNOUNCE] GHC 9.4.1-alpha2 now available
If you have a yesod app and want to try this out, I've got a cabal.project that works for yesod and persistent:
Should a noob consider learning Haskell for web back end?
It would be an unorthodox choice. If you're looking to use this personal site as a portfolio project, you'd probably be better off using something like Node (JS), Java, or Python which tend to be a bit more marketable. However, if you want to try learning Haskell, then building a personal site with it seems like a great way to dive in. If you want to learn a bit more, Yesod seems to be the most well-documented Haskell web framework
Does Haskell have a Laravel like framework ?
I believe yesod is the go-to all encompassing framework.
On a daily base in this sub
frameworks like yesod and IHP
Writing a Wiki-Server with Yesod
In this blog post I’m presenting an implementation of a Wiki System in the spirit of the legendary C2-Wiki - written in Haskell with the Yesod framework.
New blog post: Type-level sharing in Haskell, now
I'm wondering if this is related to this.
- The Importance of Humility in Software Development
Starting a project that depends on a module with a custom Prelude: mixins, cabal, and yesod-bin
The project is going to make use of Warp. To smoothen the development process I set up yesod-bin according to their template for non-yesod projects. This worked fine initially, giving me hot reloading on file changes, but after adding the private package as described above it's giving the following error:
- Implement swaggo
Simplifying Angular Development with Swagger: A Step-by-Step Guide
Swagger offers more than just a user-friendly interface for exploring APIs. It also provides multiple generators that can produce code typically written by hand. As an Angular developer, this blog post will focus on the typescript-angular generator.
Generate Kotlin client for a complex web API
Failed to create a client for Java. The generator imports Java's types instead of TeamCity's. There are bugs described for the Java client in both the Swagger generator and the OpenAPI generator. Let's see how the generator behaves when building a Kotlin client.
- Alguma alma caridosa UI/UX dev, para um serviço púbico gratuito, livre e de código aberto?
Recommendations for Rust Open-API client generators? (Looking to experiment with
[swagger-codegen]( generates code from an OpenAPI definition, and it supports Rust code output (client and/or server).
Document your API with OpenAPI standard
Swagger contains three greats tools to work with the specification: Swagger UI, Swagger Editor and Swagger Codegen. The Swagger UI renders OpenAPI specs as interactive API documentation, Swagger Editor is a browser-based editor where you can write OpenAPI specs and Swagger Codegen generates server stubs and client libraries from an OpenAPI spec like the OpenAPI generator.
Using Swagger API
We ran into some minor issues (#1201, #1210, #1355, #1356 and #1769) and fixed some stuff we stumbled upon along the way, although it didn't really bother us as well (#1451 and #1769).
Integrating Swagger/OpenAPI generated python server with existing Flask application
I am interested in integrating a swagger-codegen generated Python server with an existing Flask application. swagger-codegen generates a Python implementation based on the Connexion library from a Swagger API specification.
How to replace type methods in Swift to improve testability
The method takes a query, String, and a completion block, (Result<[String], Error>) -> Void, which is triggered once the request finishes. Its internal implementation doesn't really matter since it could be from an external framework or generated by a code generator from the API specification.
Where are the documentation for server stub generation with swagger codegen?
The Java codegen options are here: (believe it or not).
What are some alternatives?
swagger2 - Swagger 2.0 data model.
servant-purescript - Translate servant API to purescript code, with the help of purescript-bridge.
haskell-bitmex-client - Haskell API for BitMEX
graphql - Haskell GraphQL implementation
openapi-generator - OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
yesod-auth-hashdb - Yesod.Auth.HashDB plugin, now moved out of main yesod-auth package
stripe-core - :moneybag: Stripe API
graphql-api - Write type-safe GraphQL services in Haskell
yesod-crud-persist - Easy CRUD subsites for yesod with persistent
keera-hails-reactive-htmldom - Keera Hails: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Programming Framework for Interactive Haskell applications