toggles between the vterm buffer and whatever buffer you are editing. (by jixiuf)
quake-style popup console for emacs (by amno1)
vterm-toggle | emacs-term-toggle | |
2 | 12 | |
193 | 30 | |
- | - | |
3.4 | 3.5 | |
over 1 year ago | about 1 year ago | |
Emacs Lisp | Emacs Lisp | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | - |
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Posts with mentions or reviews of vterm-toggle.
We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives
and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-01-06.
How do you use the terminal during a coding session?
there's also https://github.com/jixiuf/vterm-toggle
Term-toggle: Quake-style popup console for Emacs just got refactored
See vterm-toggle. vterm-toggle has some extra nice features/vterm integration like automatically running cd commands to set the directory or automatically running ssh commands. Also see tdrop.
Posts with mentions or reviews of emacs-term-toggle.
We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives
and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-01-20.
- emacs-term-toggle: quake-style popup console for emacs
Efficient way to get the buffer switched from (last buffer)?
For the background story: I have modified an old Emacs library to toggle to a shell in the current working directory, which I am very happy with since it is very small (~100 sloc) and very predictable (always below the buffer I edit). Now, I just want to add a small touch for working with ielm: when I toggle ielm, I wish to set its working buffer to the buffer I edit. Since I will call this in ielm-mode-hook, I need to know the last buffer I was editing, i.e. "the buffer I came from".
How to stop eshell mode from destroying my buffer?
You can try this terminal toggle. Put eshell or term on a key, term-toggle-eshell or term-toggle-term and you can press that key to toggle ehsell/term on or off as you need it.
BASH, ZSH, FISH. How about Eshell?
Or term-toggle, which despite the name has nothing to do with eshell-roggle 😀. It can toggle all of available "terms" in Emacs, if someone wants to add support for vterm I am happy to get a PR.
How do you use the terminal during a coding session?
You can also try this little package if you need to fast pop-iup and dissmiss a term/eshell/ansi-term/ielm
Do you have a solution for a quake-style console in EXWM?
There seems to be [equake](https://gitlab.com/emacsomancer/equake) which opens a whole frame for the console. And [emacs-term-toggle](https://github.com/amno1/emacs-term-toggle), but this doesn't support vterm.
- Simple shell pop-up in Emacs
- One of the most useful small lisp functions in my config?
What is the emacs way to simulate the tmux behavior and is there a kind of fuzzy finder for M-x commands?
I have used for many years something called term-toggle.el, and I have recently rebuilt it to better suit my (minimalistic) need: https://github.com/amno1/emacs-term-toggle. Better shell seems to do a similar thing, not really the same though. I have sudo-open-file since before, which is enough for my needs when I need to edit some config script on my system.
- Term-toggle: Quake-style popup console for Emacs just got refactored
What are some alternatives?
When comparing vterm-toggle and emacs-term-toggle you can also consider the following projects:
emacs-libvterm - Emacs libvterm integration
shell-pop-el - shell-pop.el helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work.
swiper - Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man!
eshell-toggle - Show/hide eshell at the bottom of active window with directory of its buffer
tdrop - A Glorified WM-Independent Dropdown Creator
clipetty - Manipulate the system (clip)board with (e)macs from a (tty)
multi-vterm - Managing multiple vterm buffers in Emacs
emacs-neotree - A emacs tree plugin like NerdTree for Vim.
vterm-toggle vs emacs-libvterm
emacs-term-toggle vs shell-pop-el
vterm-toggle vs shell-pop-el
emacs-term-toggle vs swiper
vterm-toggle vs equake
emacs-term-toggle vs eshell-toggle
vterm-toggle vs tdrop
emacs-term-toggle vs tdrop
vterm-toggle vs clipetty
emacs-term-toggle vs multi-vterm
vterm-toggle vs emacs-neotree
emacs-term-toggle vs equake