vscode-markdownlint | stylelint | |
2 | 49 | |
993 | 11,140 | |
2.6% | 0.5% | |
7.9 | 9.8 | |
23 days ago | about 22 hours ago | |
JavaScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Tool to automatically enforce Markdown style/formatting
There is a very impressive Markdown Linter for VSCode markdownlint. It has built in rules that can be several different ways, it also supports custom rules written in JavaScript.
flycheck markdownlint ignores configuration file
I'm trying to use flycheck with markdown-markdownlint-cli. Running markdownlint-cli2 via shell and the VSCode Markdownlint Plugin are respecting the configuration file, but flycheck doesn't.
- Rethinking CSS in JS
CSS Variable Naming: Best Practices and Approaches
Stylelint: A modern, flexible linter for CSS that can be configured to check variable consistency. PostCSS: A tool that transforms CSS with plugins, including variable checks. CSS Linter: A specific tool to ensure correct and consistent use of CSS variables. Conclusion đź”—
- Nomeação de Variáveis CSS: Boas Práticas e Abordagens
BEM Modifiers in Pure CSS Nesting
Once upon a time, when native CSS nesting was just starting to be discussed, I thought, "Nesting? In pure CSS? I will never use that!" But over time, I got used to it, and now I even like it. Will the same happen with native CSS mixins, or, heaven forbid, native CSS loops? I want to say no, but I will not make predictions. At the very least, with experience, I have become acquainted with a wonderful tool like Stylelint and its life-easing rules such as max-nesting-depth and others. Hopefully, it will prevent me from becoming a hater of pure CSS someday.
Streamline Your Workflow: A Guide to Normalising Git Commit and Push Processes
There are more linting tools that I won't go into deeply, but you can integrate them with lint-staged. For example, you can lint your CSS content with Stylelint, or even lint your README files with markdownlint, etc.
Why it is Important to Update Linters and How to Do it Right
Another common way to extend configs in linters is using the extends key in the configuration file. Let's take StyleLint as an example:
How to Improve Development Experience of your React Project
Stylelint is similar to ESLint, but its focus is on styling rather than JavaScript. It helps you find errors in style files, such as old syntax or empty classes. We will also incorporate stylelint-config-clean-order to sort your style rules and group them consistently across the entire codebase.
Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem – The barrel file debacle
The “cost of loading modules” diagram shows non-linear behaviour (though you should largely ignore the curve visible in the diagram because the x axis is way off linear):
• 0.15s ÷ 500 = 0.3ms
• 0.31s ÷ 1000 = 0.31ms
• 3.12s ÷ 10000 = 0.312ms
• 16.81s ÷ 25000 = 0.6724ms
• 48.44s ÷ 50000 = 0.9688ms
My own observation on a Surface Book six years ago was that in Node.js under Windows, each module had about 1ms of overhead when there was warm file system cache—that is, simply bundling with Rollup saved 1ms per file. If this sort of thing interests you, quite a lot of useful stuff came out of https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/2454 which I filed because I was unhappy with stylelint taking over a second to import. And that must have been only in the order of one or two thousand modules, when the behaviour is still close enough to linear.
Don't sound like a robot: use CSS to Control Text-to-Speech
As the property is still experimental, stylelint does not recognize it yet at the time of writing this, so let's explicitly disable the property-no-unknown rule only where we use it by adding a stylelint-disable comment and re-enable it afterwards.
How to upskill my skills?
Document your build process in a blog, use eslint, stylelint and jsx-a11y lint. Run a lighthouse performance test, follow the optimisation reccomendations.
What are some alternatives?
remark-lint - plugins to check (lint) markdown code style
commitlint - đź““ Lint commit messages
obsidian-linter - An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility.
lint-staged - 🚫💩 — Run tasks like formatters and linters against staged git files
vscode-ibmi - 🌍 IBM i development extension for VS Code
postcss-rtl - PostCSS plugin for RTL-adaptivity
markdownlint - A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
Symfony Encore - A simple but powerful API for processing & compiling assets built around Webpack
AutoIt-VSCode - AutoIt Extension for Visual Studio Code
madge - Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies
vscode-markdown-pdf - Markdown converter for Visual Studio Code
eslint-plugin-react - React-specific linting rules for ESLint