
vim-rooter | project.nvim | |
24 | 28 | |
1,243 | 1,434 | |
0.5% | 1.8% | |
4.9 | 0.0 | |
5 months ago | 6 months ago | |
Vim Script | Lua | |
MIT License | Apache License 2.0 |
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netrw made better
This or users may have monorepo style projects and vim-rooter to auto-set cwd to specific directories within the project based on certain file markers (e.g. makefile, package.json, ...etc), to accomplish something like :e dir1/file.go | make would run make and then :e dir2/file2.ts | make would run npm.
How to go up a directory while inside of telescope.nvim?
maybe you are already doing this and you want to access files outside the project directory but if not I use vim-rooter to set the root dir of the project automatically when I open vim
You don't need 'vim-rooter' (usually) or How to set up smart autochange of current directory
The airblade/vim-rooter plugin is an essential part of my Neovim workflow. It automatically changes current directory (:h current-directory) for every buffer to a more natural one (like to path of its Git repository). For me this has the following benefits:
Vim Issue with opened buffer file location
It depends where you open vim. If you are in home and open a file (even in sub directories) like nvim directory/file.txt, uour vim's current working directory (aka cwd) will be home. A way to make this automatic I think is the built in autocd (or something like that) and plugins like vim-rooter.
How to stop Telescope from changing the root directory after opening a file?
An alternative would be using a plugin like vim-rooter :
- NvimTree - how to get this behaviour?
How to properly cd, so plugins pick up project root?
I just use rooter and avoid thinking about it...
How to automatically cd to the git root of the current buffer?
There's vim-rooter, which is great.
- Whenever I'm looking for plugins these days [OC]
What’s the best start up screen written in Lua?
No, it doesn't change current directory. For that, use sessions or airblade/vim-rooter (or wait around couple of months for planned 'mini.root' :) ). And, of course, you can create custom items which will change current directory.
What is the simple straight answer to create lsp workspace and add files to workspace in neovim ?
Here is what I have searched: 1. : plug manage already exist projects, not create 2. : too complicated 3. : basic tutorial 4. : Mentioned use quickfix, but seems too be a workaround. Not a nice solution.
Is there a way of setting a global variable when switching the project?
If someone is interested on this, there is an issue for a feature:
Telescope: how to search project directory?
You can use one of the "rooter" plugins like this one to dynamically change your working directory:
R code chunks not showing using Nvim-R for R Markdown I have never used this but it seems to involve defining "projects", and any time you enter a project, whatever settings you require (such as current working directory) will get set up for you.
How to manage projects efficiently in neovim using telescope
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but projects.nvim automatically changes your pwd in nvim. If you then use telescope's find_files and to search in the pwd, you basically get project-scoped searches.
Smart current working directory
This works very well:
Nvim-tree opens the git root directory instead of the one passed as argument
Maybe you have ahmedkhalf/project.nvim setup. In this case, use `manual_mode` as indicated in the readme It worked for me
Noob question about projects
Not sure what you mean by that. Perhaps your looking for a fuzzy finder. I use telescope for most of this. It can be used to find any file in your project and there's extensions for pulling up projects
olddirs.nvim: oldfiles, but for directories
Sharing a lightweight plugin I wrote yesterday which provides some functions for accessing previously used current working directories. I know that this is similar to some other "workspace" / "project" plugins which already exist, so I've pasted the motivation section from the README. >I work in a large monorepo and change my working directory depending on what part of the codebase I'm looking at to give my LSP (gopls) a chance and to improve the usefulness of fuzzy finding files. I want to change the current working directory back to a previously used one without having to configure a "project" or "workspace" beforehand. This requirement is not satisfied (as far as I can tell) by existing similar plugins: > - project.nvim > - telescope-project.nvim > - workspaces.nvim. > - neovim-session-manager > olddirs.nvim is very lightweight and doesn't provide any niceties (out of the box) like some of the above plugins, it's literally just :oldfiles for directories. > \ I say "out of the box" since some features like the searching or browsing of files inside a previous directory can be implemented by adding actions to the olddirs.nvim Telescope picker.
What are some alternatives?
vim-startify - :link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
mini.nvim - Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
nvim-bqf - Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.
nvim-spectre - Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.
neovim-session-manager - A simple wrapper around :mksession.
vim-grepper - :space_invader: Helps you win at grep.
projectile - Project Interaction Library for Emacs
replacer.nvim - A powerful refactoring tool for nvim.
telescope-frecency.nvim - A telescope.nvim extension that offers intelligent prioritization when selecting files from your editing history.
rainbow - Rainbow Parentheses Improved, shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration.
dial.nvim - enhanced increment/decrement plugin for Neovim.