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Elixir for Cynical Curmudgeons
I haven’t used commanded, exmachina, or ash:
- Tesla has a mode which can be used completely without macros, and I am increasingly encouraging that it be the only way that it is used. So does the author (as of 2020):
There is also `req` mentioned in a recent post as an alternative (it looks good, but I am still playing with it to see if it is a suitable replacement for Tesla in all cases).
- Absinthe is something of a compiler itself, because it has to strictly define things the way that is specified in the GraphQL spec. You can now import an SDL file, but you still need to hook resolvers and middleware into it. Honestly, I don’t think that the schema definitions in JS/TS are much better for GraphQL in terms of readability.
Being heavily macro-based means that there are sharp edges that are harder to work around when you want to add your own macros for code reuse purposes. That said, aside from the schema definition, Absinthe is entirely usable without macros. Within the schema definition, Absinthe isn’t making anything up, it’s using the same basic definitions that the GraphQL spec do, adapted for Elixir syntax.
Exmachina didn’t interest me because I don’t think much of factory_bot (which used to be called factory_girl), as I saw it abused far more than used well (IMO, it’s impossible to use correctly). Ash…looks like an interesting experiment, but I don’t know that there’s a lot of pick-up with it compared to Phoenix. And I have yet to find a use for CQRS/ES, so there’s no reason for me to play with commanded. I certainly wouldn’t consider any of these three to be "major" players in Elixir. Tesla and Absinthe? Yes.
- Elixir: Consumindo dados de uma API externa
Learn how to deploy Elixir apps on Heroku
To integrate the API via Elixir let's use the HTTP wrapper Tesla. There are many good options out there, such as the good old Httpoison. However, Tesla has some added benefits. I won't go into details as it's not the purpose of this article, but it's worth checking out.
What are some alternatives?
bolt - Simple and fast http proxy living in the Erlang VM
httpoison - Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney
elli - Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
hackney - simple HTTP client in Erlang
mochiweb - MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
webdriver - WebDriver client for Elixir.
Ralitobu.Plug - Elixir Plug for Ralitobu, the Rate Limiter with Token Bucket algorithm
bandit - Bandit is a pure Elixir HTTP server for Plug & WebSock applications
httpotion - [Deprecated because ibrowse is not maintained] HTTP client for Elixir (use Tesla please)
actix-web - Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
Maxwell - Maxwell is an HTTP client which support for middleware and multiple adapters.