shadowsocks-windows | v2ray-core | |
9 | 26 | |
58,582 | 30,282 | |
0.0% | 1.0% | |
3.1 | 9.1 | |
about 1 month ago | 3 days ago | |
C# | Go | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | MIT License |
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- Shadowsocks-Windows: A Fast, Secure C# Port of Shadowsocks for Windows
- Shadowsocks-Windows: A Fast and Secure C# Port of Shadowsocks
How to make ShadowSocks proxy to tunnel all my traffic (like a VPN) on Windows
So I have a SS proxy running (with this client) and the majority of applications use it when it's on global mode but for example the command line (cmd) doesn't seem to pick it up. (e.g. I can't ping a blocked website on cmd whereas I can do this with a VPN)
- Shadowsocks作者润之前的感悟:政府无限的权力,都是大部分人自己放弃的。假货坑爹,让政府审核。孩子管不好,让政府关网吧。有人在微博骂我,让政府去删。房价太高,让政府去限购。我们的文化实在太独特,创造出了家长式威权政府,GFW 正是在这种背景下产生的,一个社会矛盾的终极调和器,最终生活不能自理的你每天做的每一件事情都要给政府审查一遍,以免伤害到其他同样生活不能自理的人。
commented on 18 Aug 2015 at Github
VS Code in Github
Just tried it on
🔝Top 10 C# Projects on GitHub (Q1 2021) and the trend
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows 10 experience for greater productivity. For more info on PowerToys overviews and guides, or any other tools and resources for Windows development environments, head over to!
🔝Top 10 C# Projects on GitHub (December 2020), the trend and indications
Shadowsocks is a free and open-source encryption protocol project, widely used to circumvent Internet censorship. Why is it so popular, because it is used by a large population!
Russia has started indiscriminately blocking all OpenVPN/WireGuard connections
Hey there! Lots of experience with this having lived in China for 2 years. I recommend you look into xray-core or v2ray.
Here are my configs:
V2Ray GeoIP for Iran
cd ~ wget sudo apt install -y unzip unzip cp geoip/output/dat/* . ./v2ray uuid
- How to get Mullvad working when it is blocked
How to secure internet on an open Wi-Fi?
If the changing por trick work you can try shadowsocks or v2ray.
Working from China
Normal VPNs that you can see ads all over the place like N*rdVPN won't work, period. The correct way is to rent a few servers from different providers, make sure their ips are not blocked, and build your own V2Ray or Trojan service first. The Chinese gov will not be able to distinguish your Trojan traffic from ordinary https traffic, so the only thing that's sus to them would be the fact that all your traffic goes to one foreign ip, but I've been doing it for a few years without officials knocking on my door so yeah I think it will work for you as well. I don't take responsibility tho, do your research.
- V2ray vs Shadowsocks, which one should I host?
Support for other kinds of proxies
Given that every other client is mostly using that can be compiled for every architecture/platform that Outline client supports, maybe it's worth investing time into allowing it as a backend. It can even be used for pure shadowsocks since it's for sure more updated than the old golang shadowsocks implementation.
- Need help to bypass website block from school/company wifi
- China VPN help - nothing works?
i need advice/help to install a super secure vps and vpn for political reasons
What are some alternatives?
Wox - A cross-platform launcher that simply works
Xray-core - Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
v2rayN - A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray and sing-box and others
sing-box - The universal proxy platform
shadowsocks-csharp - If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself. [Moved to:]
MSI-Mystic-Light-Controller - C# library used to change lights connected to MSI motherboard programmatically using the Mystic Light SDK
v2rayNG - A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core
NRules - Rules engine for .NET, based on the Rete matching algorithm, with internal DSL in C#.
v2rayA - A web GUI client of Project V which supports VMess, VLESS, SS, SSR, Trojan, Tuic and Juicity protocols. 🚀
AspNetCore.Docs - Documentation for ASP.NET Core
v2ray-core - A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.