rust-prehistory VS oil

Compare rust-prehistory vs oil and see what are their differences.


historical archive of rust pre-publication development (by graydon)


Oils is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime. It's also for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell! (by oilshell)
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rust-prehistory oil
18 234
566 2,730
- 2.0%
0.8 9.9
12 months ago 2 days ago
C Python
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of rust-prehistory. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-05-09.


Posts with mentions or reviews of oil. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-04-03.
  • Autoconf makes me think we stopped evolving too soon
    8 projects | | 3 Apr 2024
    will prevent almost all of the "silent footguns".

    YSH has strict:all and then a bunch of NEW features.

    There's been good feedback recently, which has led to many concrete changes. So your experience can definitely influence the language!

  • Basic Things
    1 project | | 30 Mar 2024
    Regarding writing tools/tests/benchmarks in bash+Python, vs. writing tools in your main language:

    I think we might eventually concede that something Debian-like is the “standard development environment” (at least for server side stuff, i.e. not iOS apps)

    In this case, bash+Python is a non-issue. It works extremely reliably. That’s actually why I use it! Everything else seems to break, or it’s really slow (node.js is a very common alternative).

    - Microsoft conceded this back in ~2017, by building Linux into their kernel with WSL, and providing Ubuntu on top

    Yes bash + Python is a disaster on Windows (I have scars from it), but Microsoft agrees that the right place to solve that is in Windows :-)

    - Every CI system runs Debian/Ubuntu

    - Every hosting provider runs Debian/Ubuntu

    - Every online dev env like provides Debian/Ubuntu

    This is somewhat related to remote dev envs:

    One vision for is that the CI environment is the dev environment is the hosting environment.

    Everything is just an equal node in a distributed system. BUT it’s more git like, in that you explicitly sync and work “locally”, wherever that is. You don’t have the network chatter and flakiness of “the cloud”.

    Oils has a very large set of monotonically increasing properties too -

    All that is bash+Python that is run on every commit, and it’s extremely good at catching bugs and perf regressions.

    I’m skeptical that any project has that level of quality automation written in pure Rust or Zig. More likely it’s a bunch of cloud services with YAML.

    Also a bunch of “hard-coded” toolchains that you can’t script with bespoke code. Like some shell commands in your package.json, which is just a worse way of writing a shell script.

    Our quality process is all self-hosted, in the repo, and runs on both Github Actions and sourcehut -

    bash and Python runs perfectly on Github Actions and sourcehut, with zero change. Containers also do.

    (Although we need to unify the CI and release, because the release runs on 2 different real hardware machines, while CI is cloud only.)

    Also, a main point Oils is that bash now has another highly compatible, spec-driven implementation – OSH. Having 2 independent implementations is something newer languages don’t have.

    (copy of comment)

  • The secret weapon of Bash power users
    2 projects | | 24 Mar 2024
    in your bashrc to enable it. I've used it for probably ~18 years now.

    It also works with since we use GNU readline. Just 'set -o vi' in ~/.config/oils/oshrc

  • Pipexec – Handling pipe of commands like a single command
    6 projects | | 9 Mar 2024
    No other shell does that.

    But I didn't know it was called MULTIOS until now. (I guess that's read "mult I/O's"? I have a hard time not reading it was multi-OS :) )

    It seems a bit niche to be honest, but it's possible to support in Oils.


    Oils also uses Unix domain sockets already for the headless shell protocol

    We could do something like dgsh, but so far I haven't seen a lot of uptake / demand. Every time it's mentioned, somebody kinda wants it, and then it kinda peters out again ... still possible though.

    I think flat files work fine for a lot of use cases, and once you add streaming, you also want monitoring, more control over backpressure/queue sizes, etc.

  • Show HN: Hancho – A simple and pleasant build system in ~500 lines of Python
    4 projects | | 3 Mar 2024
    which works well. You don't have to clean when rebuilding variants. IMO this is 100% essential for writing C++ these days. You need a bunch of test binaries, and all tests should be run with ASAN and UBSAN.


    I wrote a mini-bazel on top of Ninja with these features:

    So it's ~1700 lines, but for that you get the build macros like asdl_library() generating C++ and Python (the same as proto_library(), a schema language that generates code)

    And it also correctly finds dependencies of code generators. So if you change a .py file that is imported by another .py file that is used to generated a C++ header, everything will work. That was one of the trickier bits, with Ninja implicit dependencies.

    I also use the Bazel-target syntax like //core/process

    This build file example mixes low level Ninja n.rule() and with high level r.cc_library() and so forth. I find this layering really does make it scale better for bigger projects

    Some more description -

  • Re2c
    4 projects | | 22 Feb 2024
    This is sort of a category error...

    re2c is a lexer generator, and YAML and Python are recursive/nested formats.

    You can definitely use re2c to lex them, but it's not the whole solution.

    I use it for everything possible in, and it's amazing. It really reduces the amount of fiddly C code you need to parse languages, and it drops in anywhere.

  • Ask HN: Looking for a project to volunteer on? (February 2024)
    15 projects | | 1 Feb 2024

    I'm looking for people to help fill out the "standard library" for Oils/YSH. We're implementing a shell for Python and JavaScript programmers who avoid shell!

    On the surface, this is writing some very simple functions in typed Python. But I've realized that the hardest parts are specifying, TESTING, and documenting what the functions do.


    The most recent release announcement also asks for help - (long)

    If you find all those details interesting (if maybe overwhelming), you might have a mind for language design, and could be a good person to help.

    Surveying what Python and JavaScript do is very helpful, e.g. for the recent Str.replace() function, which is nontrivial (takes a regex or string, replacement template or string)

    But there are also very simple methods to get started, like Dict.values() and List.indexOf(). Other people have already contributed code. Examples:

    This can also be useful to tell if you'll have fun working on the project -

    More on #help-wanted on Zulip (requires login) -

    Please send a message on Github or Zulip! Or e-mail me andy at oilshell dot org.

  • The rust project has a burnout problem
    3 projects | | 17 Jan 2024
    This is true, but then the corrolary is that new PRs need to come with this higher and rigorous level of test coverage.

    And then that becomes a bit of a barrier to contribution -- that's a harness

    I often write entirely new test harnesses for features, e.g. for, many of them linked here . All of these run in the CI -

    The good thing is that it definitely helps me accept PRs faster. Current contributors are good at this kind of exhaustive testing, but many PRs aren't

  • Unix as IDE: Introduction (2012)
    3 projects | | 27 Dec 2023
  • Oils
    1 project | | 8 Dec 2023

What are some alternatives?

When comparing rust-prehistory and oil you can also consider the following projects:

Hasura - Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.

nushell - A new type of shell

nannou - A Creative Coding Framework for Rust.

fish-shell - The user-friendly command line shell.

racket - The Racket repository

elvish - Powerful scripting language & Versatile interactive shell

crater - Run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem!

xonsh - :shell: Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell.

compiler-benchmark - Benchmarks compilation speeds of different combinations of languages and compilers.

PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!

argh - Rust derive-based argument parsing optimized for code size

ShellCheck - ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts