rightmove_webscraper.py VS Stocker

Compare rightmove_webscraper.py vs Stocker and see what are their differences.


Python class to scrape data from rightmove.co.uk and return listings in a pandas DataFrame object (by toby-p)
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rightmove_webscraper.py Stocker
1 1
236 149
- -
0.0 0.0
4 months ago over 3 years ago
Python Python
MIT License -
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Posts with mentions or reviews of rightmove_webscraper.py. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects.


Posts with mentions or reviews of Stocker. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2021-08-21.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing rightmove_webscraper.py and Stocker you can also consider the following projects:

raspberry-pi-stock-checker - A configurable python webscraper that checks raspberry pi stocks from verified sellers

lakshmi - Investing library and command-line interface inspired by the Bogleheads philosophy

sweetviz - Visualize and compare datasets, target values and associations, with one line of code.

dash - Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.

tsvar - Association rules for TSV (tab-separated values) files

dMLTresearch - Beginner friendly guide into the world of investing, quant data analysis and algorithmic trading.

youtube-music-takeaway-sorter - YouTube Music Google Takeout is shit. This tool will attempt to sort out the terrible mess of files they provide

backtesting.py - :mag_right: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :snake: :moneybag: Backtest trading strategies in Python.

pandera - A light-weight, flexible, and expressive statistical data testing library

twitter-stock-recommendation - Simple Stock Investment Recommendation System based on Machine-Learning algorithms for prediction and Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

Arduino-Python-Cross-platform-Data-logging-to-CSV-file- - A low cost multi channel data logging system using Python and Arduino UNO board that will log and save data to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file on the disk.The system can monitor temperature data from 4 independent sources at the same time and log the data to the disk.

pyramen - Data Analysis for Ramen 🍜💹