redux-toolkit | redux-saga | |
304 | 46 | |
10,830 | 22,533 | |
0.3% | -0.0% | |
9.7 | 2.8 | |
11 days ago | 3 months ago | |
TypeScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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What is Redux Toolkit: When and How to use it Effectively?
Redux is a predictable state management tool for JavaScript apps. A state is something that keeps the app running for example when you are asked to select gender in a website, the state is either male or female.
Why Zustand suceed in the React state management war?
I said the wrong shape, because I think that, if redux-toolkit was the version people used a lot in the past, their views on redux would be different today. Being more positive, than it is.
Getting Started with Redux and Redux Toolkit
So you can imagine how much more we'd need to write to introduce reducers and actions in a real-world application. This is where Redux ToolKit comes in very handy.
Simplifying State Management with Redux Toolkit: A Complete Guide
Redux Toolkit Documentation
A mid-career retrospective of stores for state management
Redux is rather overkill in today's front end ecosystem if you're building an MVP, and as of late more have been using redux-toolkit or useReducer to update slices of state.4
React 19 Finally Stable, New Rust-Based JavaScript Framework, New Developer Tools, and more
React 19 Async Features Boa v0.20 Rust-Powered Engine Safari 18.2 Developer Updates Redux Toolkit 2.5 Termo Civet Rockpack
Building a Scalable URL Shortener with Node.js (Part 2/2)
RTK Query: A data-fetching and state management tool for making API requests to our backend.
Understanding Redux: A tutorial with examples
To cut down the boilerplate, Redux provides a handy extension, popularly known as the Redux Toolkit, which is recommended for use in a React-Redux setup. We’ll cover the advantages of RTK and its utilities as we discuss the core concepts of Redux.
Redux Toolkit vs. Plain Redux: How Immer Transforms State Management
Redux Toolkit (RTK) is an abstraction built on top of Redux that simplifies its usage by reducing boilerplate and making common tasks easier. RTK provides convenient functions like createSlice for generating actions and reducers in one go, and createAsyncThunk for handling asynchronous logic (like API calls). It offers tools to manage state efficiently without having to manually set up actions, reducers, and middleware, streamlining the setup process for new Redux projects.
QuickTip: Writing Shared (common) reducer actions in redux-toolkit
The modern way to write redux is through redux-toolkit as recommended by redux maintainers.
- Redux-Saga – An intuitive Redux side effect manager
Understanding Redux: A tutorial with examples
Redux Saga uses generator functions to manage side effects in Redux. The code below illustrates the use of yield put, which basically acts as the Saga effect creator used to dispatch actions to the Redux store:
Redux vs. Context.Provider: Choosing State Management in React Applications
Handling Asynchronous Logic: If your application involves complex asynchronous logic (e.g., API calls, side effects), Redux middleware like redux-thunk or redux-saga provides a robust way to handle these scenarios.
- Understanding React Compiler
- Main-Thread-Scheduling
Creating Own Chat GPT
For the backend, we chose Python, Django Rest Framework. On the frontend, React, Redux, Saga, Sass. Let’s start with the backend, which was managed by Yegor. He writes about the server part of the project himself.
Internals of Async / Await in JavaScript
The whole article properly the best explanation of generators I have come across. This quote stuck out:
> Generators are a special type of function that can return multiple pieces of data during its execution. Traditional functions can return multiple data by using structures like Arrays and Objects, but Generators return data whenever the caller asks for it, and they pause execution until they are asked to continue to generate and return more data.
Applications of generators? I have only used Redux-Saga[1]. Can't even think of other libraries that use them, but would be interested in learning.
Generators in the wild
redux-saga. The most popular effects library in js
I don't get why I should use Redux
Redux can be extended with a lot of other packages. For example with a side effect manager, you can separate side effects from your business logic, help with error handling and in the same process make testing of side effects a lot easier.
What Is The Best Name for This Synchronous Function?
Consumer vs. Producer: Check out Redux Saga
What are some alternatives?
zustand - 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
SWR - React Hooks for Data Fetching
react-query - 🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for TS/JS, React, Solid, Svelte and Vue. [Moved to:]
redux-thunk - Thunk middleware for Redux
rtk-query - Data fetching and caching addon for Redux Toolkit
jotai - 👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
reselect - Selector library for Redux
react-clean-architecture - A realistic approach to implement clean architecture on react codebases
Immer - Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one