raspotify | shairport-sync | |
35 | 61 | |
4,743 | 7,478 | |
0.8% | 1.5% | |
7.8 | 9.1 | |
16 days ago | 12 days ago | |
Shell | C | |
MIT License | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
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- 2023 Dec 4 Stickied -FAQ- & -HELPDESK- thread - Boot problems? Power supply problems? Display problems? Networking problems? Need ideas? Get help with these and other questions!
Headless Spotify client for Spotify connect
Basically Raspotify but for windows.
Anyone annoyed with the lack of features? Spotify is resting on their laurels
If you have a raspberry pi, Raspotify works pretty great as a Connect receiver with a little tinkering.
Spotify player with fixed volume output
Raspotify installed on a raspberry pi would be my recommendation. Config allows you to normalise volume controls - have a read here: https://github.com/dtcooper/raspotify/wiki/Configuration
RaspberryPi Now Playing Dashboard using last.fm data and Airplay receiver
The last.fm site will work independently from airplay, so it will display whatever is playing, even if you are not using airplay to stream to your pi. Because it is just a standard Raspberry Pi OS running, you could also set it up as a MPD client https://linuxhint.com/raspberry-pi-music-station-mpd/ or https://github.com/dtcooper/raspotify. As long as you are submitting music to last.fm the song will display.
- Using an Orange Pi 3 LTS as a Spotify Connect host via Raspotify
Spotify connect on RPI Pico
I have previously used raspotify on my 3B+, is there any way to achieve something similar on a pico?
For Spotify Connect on a Pi I can recommend Raspotify:
Is there software that allows you to move audio around a house like a haunted house?
https://github.com/dtcooper/raspotify allows you to use Spotify connect on Raspberry Pi's, so you can manually move your music using the Spotify app.
- Van olyan hi-fi amin van wi-fi? Spotyfihoz
Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control
Fantastic, this could be iterated on by setting it up as a custom airplay speaker with re-mapped volume thresholds.
Sonos changes terms and conditions and may now pass on data to third parties
I turn old mini pcs into airplay 2 receivers with https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync , using wired Ethernet multi room playback worked like a charm.
Debian is rock solid platform, I never have to tinker once they are setup. Depending on the speakers and what location I use USB dacs and speaker amps(these have gotten SO good in the last 5 years, topping, smsl etc). All of the pieces are interchangeable , flexible, and reusable.
Finamp: AirPlay 2 support
It's worth noting that shairport-sync exists. Perhaps it could be made easy by knitting some functions together?
Whole home sync'd rpi audio w plex, spotify, airplay
You want SnapCast. You'd run snapserver on your Linux box and snapclient on your Pi's. Snapserver has support for Airplay (via shairport-sync) and Spotify (via librespot). I recommend using MPD for your music library, as I don't think PlexAmp can output audio in a way that's useful for snapserver.
RaspberryPi Now Playing Dashboard using last.fm data and Airplay receiver
I use shairport-sync for airplay (https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync), complete instructions via: https://blog.adena.dev/blog/apple-airplay-on-raspberry-pi-in-7-easy-steps
Curious to see if everyone pays full price for sonos products or are there ways to get discounts? Would appreciate any guidance to save $s.
If you’re interested, you might be able to get Airplay 1 & 2 support by running shairport-sync on your pi.
Review Request - First Circuit Design (Onion Omega 2 Stereo DAC Hat) | Any Suggestions Please
The plan is to run shairport-sync on the Omega 2 and have audio output to a 2x50w class d amplifier board.
Whole Home Audio - Design Help
To replace it, I've purchased in-ceiling speakers and a Control 4 Amp (C4-16AMP3-B) which I can control via the network. I plan on using shareport-sync for AirPlay and librespot for spotify as the sources to play music. 90% of the use for my whole home audio is for music.
Can anyone help me figure out how to use PulseAudio and ShairPort-Sync together to point AirPlay to a Bluetooth Speaker?
ShairPort-Sync allows my Mac to listen for a AirPlay with multiple instances available, each pointing to different settings as per this GitHub Issue, which would allow me in theory to run multiple AirPort plugs and output each to an Alexa. Rarely would I ever need to have them playing all at once, and at this point I don't really care about maintaining pure audio quality or latency. I just need to be able to get out of my office and move to the kitchen, then back to my office without needing to spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to move what I was listening to on my iPad into my Echo Show
How to build a raspberry pi dac
The benefit of the Pi is the open source software, in particular I use https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync in order to turn it into an AirPlay 2 receiver, which I can stream to using my phone or laptop. It's my main way of sending audio to my hifi setup.
What are some alternatives?
spotifyd - A spotify daemon
balena-sound - Build a single or multi-room streamer for an existing audio device using a Raspberry Pi! Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect
librespot - Open Source Spotify client library
RPiPlay - An open-source AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi. Supports iOS 9 and up.
spocon - SpoCon - A Spotify Connect Client for Debian , Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi based on librespot-java
homebridge - HomeKit support for the impatient.
cspot - A Spotify Connect player targeting, but not limited to embedded devices (ESP32).
AmpliPi - Whole House Audio System 🔊
AirConnect - Use AirPlay to stream to UPnP/Sonos & Chromecast devices
LMS-Raop - LMS to AirPlay bridge
Mopidy MusicBox - Web Client for Mopidy Music Server and the Pi MusicBox
Mopidy - Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python