pmrp | rgc | |
2 | 1 | |
58 | 0 | |
- | - | |
0.0 | 6.1 | |
about 3 years ago | 7 months ago | |
Shell | Shell | |
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | - |
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What would you consider to be best radio apps on linux? I'd really love to find something where you can browse different radio stations by country
Some exist like PMRP but some of the stations don't work so I presume this project was abandoned.
The Downsides of GitHub Sponsors... and a Solution
Here is an example of the Coindrop button being used in the wild on GitHub.
Undo Git Commands
Check the repo on Github:
What are some alternatives?
coindrop - Create a custom webpage for zero-fee payments/donations/tips
check-my-net - A stupidly simple shell script to check & diagnose internet connectivity issues.
reciva-radio-patching - Notes how to patch the Reciva radios (Tangent Quattro etc.) to work without Reciva
Tux - A super smallest script wrriten in pure BASH v5+
QRC - QRC is a simple bash script to decode and encode QR Codes.
asus-fan-control - Fan control for ASUS devices running Linux
BaseStation.sqb - Builds BaseStation.sqb from OpenSky Network CSV file
bashmultitool - A library for bash shell scripting containing useful helper functions.
pyradio - Curses based internet radio player
scripts - Collection of useful scripts for Linux (git, docker, LUKS, Archlinux...)
WYX-CLI - Swiss-army-knife CLI compatible with BASH & ZSH on Debian and Macintosh with an array of utilities for optimising your development workflow and productivity in the terminal