
Pelican | Jekyll | |
29 | 274 | |
12,723 | 49,579 | |
0.5% | 0.4% | |
8.7 | 9.1 | |
14 days ago | 9 days ago | |
Python | Ruby | |
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | MIT License |
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Ask HN: Best Minimal Blog Site?
It's written in go but what's great about it, unlike many competitors written in Javascript or Python, is that it is just a simple binary you download and run, you do not need to get a PhD in the go build system to start a web site also it is crazy fast. It can publish a site to something like S3 or Azure Storage behind a CDN and you do not have to worry about anything other than paying the storage and bandwidth bills.
Myself I've been procrastinating on getting myself a blog and my take is Hugo is not customizable enough for me without learning a lot of Go, so I have looked at are either Python-based or oriented towards scientific publishing oriented systems such as
(I want to write stuff like
I've given this list to people in your shoes and they usually react with information overload
part of that is that there are 355 generators (there have to be some good ones in there somewhere) but it also uses the kind of miscommunication patterns we're used to in webtech where, for instance, you'd think they are pushing Javascript down your throat (the "J" stands for Javascript but the generators I've mentioned generate mostly HTML with just a little Javascript.)
Pick something simple and run with it, if I did that 2 years ago I'd be blogging now.
Qwen2.5-Coder-32B is an LLM that can code well that runs on my Mac
Not really tried the Claude 3.5, later tried o1-preview on github models and recently Qwen2.5 32B for a prompt to generate a litestar[0] app to manage a wysiwyg content using grapesjs[1] and use pelican[2] to generate static site. It generated very bad code and invented many libraries in import which didn't exist. Cluade was one of the worst code generator, later tried sieve of atkin to generate primes to N and then use miller-rabin test to test each generated prime both using all the cpu core available. Claude completely failed and could never get a correct code without some or the other errors especially using multiprocess, o1-preview got it right in first attempt, Qwen 2.5 32B got it right in 3'rd error fix. In general for some very simple code Claude is correct but when using something new it completely fails, o1-preview performs much better. Give a try to generate some manim community edition visualization using Claude, it generates something not working correct or with errors, o1-preview much better job.
In most of my test o1-preview performed way better than Claude and Qwen was not that bad either.
Ask HN: What do you use for your personal blog?
I swapped away from Wordpress to Pelican, a static site generator written in Python. The theme is a heavily customized version of Octapress - and its really performant with zero third-party dependencies / network requests.
Plus I like that I can literally click a button in Obsidian which formats a note, compresses/optimizes the media, and pushes it up to my website. Frictionless blog posting FTW.
Though... recently I've been thinking about swapping over to Astro because the grass is always greener.
Using GitHub as a (bad) blog platform
That's why I use Pelican as a static site generator.
Writing HTML by hand is easier than debugging your static site generator
As the maintainer of the Python-based Pelican static site generator for over a decade, I can say with confidence that my experience has been nothing like what is described in this article.
Most of Pelican’s code was written by other people, and yet I have spent almost zero time debugging that code, much less my own. After taking advantage of Pelican’s rich plugin ecosystem and adding a handful of useful plugins, I continue to be amazed by how much time this publishing system saves me, and how little time I must spend to keep everything running smoothly.
What it would take to accomplish this by writing HTML by hand instead… I simply can’t fathom it. But once again, that’s just one person’s experience, and YMMV.
Ask HN: Best way for a Markdown based blog and eBook?
Most static site generators will work to create a blog. I use pelican [1], which serves my needs.
You will likely need to edit your blogposts a little bit before putting them in the book. So I recommend a separate program for that altogether.
Patterns for Personal Web Sites
In my experience, [Pelican]( does a good job of allowing you to edit themes on all pages at once with its static page generator.
There are a lot of built in features designed more for blog-like websites, but I’ve found it pretty easy to make my personal website with it.
How To Choose the Best Static Site Generator and Deploy it to Kinsta for Free
Pelican is a preferred option for Python developers.
- Pelican: Static site generator written in Python. Requires no database
- Why isn’t there a python version of Jekyll / Hugo
How to create a blog with Quartz, GitHub, and Cloudflare
If you don't want to use Jekyll as your static site generator for GitHub Pages and you want to have a custom domain for your GitHub Pages. This post is for you!
Blogging with Obsidian and Jekyll
Jekyll is a static site generator that transforms Markdown files into a fully functional website. Everything is generated into plain HTML, which makes it simple to deploy on platforms like GitHub Pages.
- Jekyll v4.4.0 Released
Create a Blogging Platform With No Backend (Zero Hosting Fee)
Obviously, there are a dozen choices for generating static websites (efficiently and quickly), from the classic Jekyll to the new Next.js. And you are good to go with any of them as long as your confident with it. I choose 11ty because:
Show HN: SQLite Plugin for Jekyll
That would be an improvement, but it still wouldn't be equivalent to what you can do with Ruby and Jekyll. For example I do [1] so I don't need to put dates in my post names, which also fixes a bug [2] I encountered but was never fixed.
It's easy to dev blog
In your repository settings you need to turn on GitHub Pages to make it pull Jekyll content (that's the magic✨ default GitHub Pages build tool) from your GitHub repository.
How to build a blog with NodeJS
If you're looking to start a blog (or if you're thinking of redesigning yours although you haven't posted in 2 years), you'll stumble upon a lot of options and it can be incredibly daunting; and if you stumble with the newest Josh's post about his stack it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the shown stack.
Migrating from WordPress to Jekyll: Save Money with a Static Site
Here I am, signing off from a self-hosted WordPress site and finding a welcome change in Jekyll, a blog-aware static site generator. There is nothing new about this, several well-known bloggers have already migrated to Jekyll in the last few years. Ever since Tom Preston Werner created this software in 2008 and published his infamous article about Blogging Like a Hacker, it has become the go-to thing for at least the small and indie bloggers.
The Home Server Journey - 6: Your New Blogging Career
First I've looked at the tools I was already familiar with. I have some old blog where I've posted updates during my Google Summer of Code projects. It uses Jekyll to generate static files, automatically published by GitHub Pages. It works very well when you have the website tied to a version-controlled repository, but it's cumbersome when you need to rebuild container images or replace files in a remote volume even for small changes
Ask HN: What do you use for your personal blog?
I like Jekyll [1]. It is simple and open source. I am not sure about the SEO part though.
What are some alternatives?
Nikola - A static website and blog generator
Hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
Lektor - The lektor static file content management system
Middleman - Hand-crafted frontend development
Bridgetown - A next-generation progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powered by Ruby
Hyde - A Python Static Website Generator (Presently Unmaintained).
Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
Cactus - Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates.
Nanoc - A powerful web publishing system
mkdocs-material - Documentation that simply works
Docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.