
notie | toastr | |
1 | 3 | |
6,304 | 11,990 | |
-0.0% | 0.0% | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
almost 2 years ago | almost 2 years ago | |
JavaScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Top 4 JavaScript Notification Libraries
Notie is another widely used JavaScript notification library free of dependencies. You can use it to create alerts, confirmation prompts, input prompts, data selection prompts, and more.
Top 4 Toasts: The Unsung Heroes of User Notifications
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How to implement toast notifications?
We use toastr on one of our older websites. It's not the newest framework but it does its job ;) if No1 else comments something fancier this might be worth a look. Just one more thing, we do not use it on a react website, but it should work there, too.
Ruby on Rails 6: Disappearing flash messages with toastr
Source library:
What are some alternatives?
noty - ⛔️ DEPRECATED - Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
iziToast - Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies.
toastify-js - Pure JavaScript library for better notification messages
pnotify - Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.
sweetalert2 - ✨ A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies. 🇺🇦
humane-js - A simple, modern, browser notification system
HawkEye - A useful app for GitHub Notifications
notifIt! - Simple colorful animated notifications with JQuery. It never has been easier to create a notification.
novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.