node-v0.x-archive VS raptor

Compare node-v0.x-archive vs raptor and see what are their differences.


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node-v0.x-archive raptor
7 1
34,925 8
- -
0.0 0.0
about 6 years ago about 3 years ago
- MIT License
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of node-v0.x-archive. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-09-07.
  • Wizards of Opensource, Ep 1: Ryan Dahl
    7 projects | | 7 Sep 2023
    On 16 February 2009, a GitHub commit was made. By a person who would later turn out to be the creator of two of the most successful, impactful, and standard tech platforms the world has ever seen. Who is he? Let's explore.
  • What is Buffer in Node?
    1 project | /r/learnjavascript | 12 Jul 2023
  • Stop Wasting Connections, Use HTTP Keep-Alive
    4 projects | | 4 Nov 2022
    Based on several issues in the Node repository (nodejs/node-v0.x-archive#7729, nodejs/node-v0.x-archive#5488, nodejs/node#5436) this error can occur when a DNS server fail to respond, perhaps due to it rate-limiting requests. Reducing DNS lookups can reduce or eliminate these errors.
  • Why does RSS constantly grow when reading data from a child process and calling process.stdout.write()?
    5 projects | /r/node | 1 Jul 2022
    I don't know how node is processing the stream and buffering or not buffering. I just invested the past few hours into researching Node.js buffering and not buffering read(). There are more than one issue regarding the subject-matter, e.g.,,, From what I gather Node.js blames the process itself. However, I run the same algorithm using Python, C++, C, QuickJS JavaScript engine where the RSS does not exponentially increase during usage.
  • I am proud to announce, a new Sorting algorithm!
    3 projects | /r/ProgrammerHumor | 3 Apr 2022
    setTimeout implementation:
  • Why console.log(this) prints an empty object when used in the global context? Shouldn't it point to the global object?
    2 projects | /r/learnjavascript | 26 Apr 2021
    ...or something similar to that. I mean, it's pretty close to that. You can see for yourself if you want. These lines there are exactly what they do: They set thisValueto point to module.exports and then they execute your file/module with that as the value of this. (Only they have some additional helper stuff like ReflectApply because there are some additional complexities now with modules. In the older versions of the code you could see the apply call directly there.
  • Deno 1.9 – native http2, performance boost, blob and import completion support
    12 projects | | 13 Apr 2021
    I was referring to node <0.1.30[1] which did have promises for a while. largely from jQuery deferred, which were ungood in a couple ways I don't remember. but also remarkably similar.

    I still largely think kris kowal building the "Q" promise library is what made promises interesting, what surfaced the idea that we might want to first-class our completeablea/futures. I know kris had some specific inspirations but I forget what.

    pains me somewhat to this day that promises ultimately became somewhat un-value like, that handlers don't get to see what it was resolving. all the chain/spawn discussion, the functional promise folk: they got rolled by those insisting we had to target only the lowest rings of the developership, and that allowing more potent systems was unacceptable. wish I could find those es-discusa threads, for the powerful sorrow of the afteath, what we are stuck with, in it's so lites form, haunts me. especially as we double back a decade latter & invent controllers & signals toanage our promises. which we would have had for free.

    way off topic now. forgive me my late night ramblings.



Posts with mentions or reviews of raptor. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2021-04-13.
  • Deno 1.9 – native http2, performance boost, blob and import completion support
    12 projects | | 13 Apr 2021
    > How would e.g. a company like CloudFlare run Deno instead of v8 for it's serverless infrastructure?

    Raptor is an example project which does that:

    deno_runtime crate provides high level abstractions which you can use to execute code for deno. It has full support for deno namesake ops, I think.

    As for getting started, you can go through the manual:

What are some alternatives?

When comparing node-v0.x-archive and raptor you can also consider the following projects:

samples - A collection of Flutter examples and demos

deno-udd - Update Deno Dependencies - update dependency urls to their latest published versions

webview_deno - 🌐 Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs

deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

nodejs-advisory-board - Meeting Minutes and Working Group Discussions

node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨

pkg - Package your Node.js project into an executable

agentkeepalive - Support keepalive http agent.

wpt - Test suites for Web platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others