
nimforum | cligen | |
31 | 32 | |
765 | 520 | |
0.3% | 0.6% | |
4.8 | 8.5 | |
3 months ago | 30 days ago | |
Nim | Nim | |
MIT License | ISC License |
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Marketing the Odin Programming Language Is Weird
> Only huge projects can afford to have multiple Discords, Telegrams, IRCs, Wikis
There's one option available to small projects and actually you already named it yourself:
> relay bots.
Take for example Nim community. It's not huge by any margin, but we have fairly active forum[0], occasionally active Telegram channel and most of activity is on Discord, IRC and Matrix. I've grouped these three because they're almost seamlessly connected with relay bots into one platform. You can join one of several bridged platforms[1] and talk to everyone on Discord, Gitter, Matrix, etc. with quotes, pings and attachments working as you'd expect them to.
It is certainly an extra burden to moderate and manage all of this, but now you can atleast have an IRC archive[2] that's indexable and searchable [3].
On the other hand, having Discord as your *only* place for discussions is plain stupid (read: foolish). Because I know several people, including myself some years ago, that just 'nope out' from using a project when they see that the only place to get support is a Discord channel.
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[2] -
[3] -
Fusion – a hobby OS implemented in Nim
To be honest, I haven't found the community size to be an issue. The Nim forum[0] has a vibrant community, and is the place I go to for help, and the response is usually quick and on point. The language is also evolving in a careful manner, with Araq at the helm I think it's going to be even better in the long term.
As for the ecosystem, yes, it's not as big as Python or Rust, but surprisingly the standard library has most of what people need. I rarely look for 3rd party packages to do something.
That being said, I acknowledge that Nim is on the lesser known languages of the spectrum, but that doesn't take away from its merits as a very promising language that does what it's supposed to do very well.
How can I add graphics to my nim program?
If the video example does not work, you can use the examples projects in the nim SDL repository. When ex101_init.nim works, there is no reason the video example does not work. If you have further issues, do not hesitate to share a minimal working example with your detailed configuration (Nim compiler version, command line you used, file directory, libraries installed) on the
Best Web Framework Features?
It might be worth posting this on the official nim forum ( to cast a wider net.
Some forum software written in Rust
Obviously forums aren't as popular as they used to be, so this topic might not be of interest to many. For folks that want to run a forum, they'd most certainly go with Discourse (Ruby), Flarum (PHP), Xenforo (PHP), NodeBB (Javascript), Nimforum (Nim) and maybe Casnode (Go)
Can't post in the NIM forum doesn't let me post.
Minimalist self hosted apps
NimForum -
Lisp-Stick on a Python
You sound like you are in just the right demographic to love Nim...The Forum [1] is a good place to get support.
How the SQLite Virtual Machine Works
"embedded" can mean a few different things so that's a bit confusing for me, but if the intent was "show me places sqlite is used as a database backend for user-facing web software", the Nim forum ( uses sqlite as its database backend.
Good discussion forum for open source project?
I love NimForum, like a simplified discourse and super light on resources. Example
CLI user experience case study
There is also generating the whole thing from a function signature (e.g. ) since then CLauthors need not learn a new spec language, but then CLauthors must add back in helpful usage metadata/semantics and still need to learn a library API (but I like how those two things can be "gradual"). It's a hard space in which to find perfection, but I wish you luck in your attempt!
Things I've learned about building CLI tools in Python
cligen also allows End-CL-users to adjust colorization of --help output like using something like
Last I knew, the argparse backing most Py CLI solutions did not support such easier (for many) to read help text, but the PyUniverse is too vast to be sure without much related work searching.
Removing Garbage Collection from the Rust Language (2013)
20 milliseconds? On my 7 year old Linux box, this little Nim program runs to completion in 275 microseconds when fully statically linked with musl libc on Linux. That's with a stripped environment (with `env -i`). It takes more like 318 microseconds with my usual 54 environment variables. The program only does about 17 system calls, though.
Additionally, makes decent CLI tools a real breeze. If you like some of Go's qualities but the language seems too limited, you might like Nim: I generally find getting good performance much less of a challenge with Nim, but Nim is undeniably less well known with a smaller ecosystem and less corporate backing.
Writing Small CLI Programs in Common Lisp (2021)
If you find this article interesting and are curious about Nim then you would probably also be curious about
That allows adding just 1-line to a module to add a pretty complete CLI and then a string per parameter to properly document options (assuming an existing API using keyword arguments).
It's also not hard to compile & link a static ELF binary with Nim.. I do it with MUSL libc on Linux all the time. I just toss into my ~/.config/nim/nim.cfg:
@if musl: # make nim c -d:musl .. foo static-link `foo` with musl
GNU Parallel, where have you been all my life?
Sure. No problem.
Even Windows has popen these days. There are some tiny popenr/popenw wrappers in
Depending upon how balanced work is on either side of the pipe, you usually can even get parallel speed-up on multicore with almost no work. For example, there is no need to use quote-escaped CSV parsing libraries when you just read from a popen()d translator program producing an easier format:
The Bipolar Lisp Programmer
Nim is terse yet general and can be made even more so with effort. E.g., You can gin up a little framework that is even more terse than awk yet statically typed and trivially convertible to run much faster like
You can statically introspect code to then generate related/translated ASTs to create nearly frictionless helper facilities like .
You can do all of this without any real run-time speed sacrifices, depending upon the level of effort you put in / your expertise. Since it generates C/C++ or Javascript you get all the abilities of backend compilers almost out of the box, like profile-guided-optimization or for JS JIT compilation.
Ask HN: Why did Nim not catch-on like wild fire as Rust did?
It's more that those tools were what come to mind when I specifically think of my exposure to the existence of rust. Its perhaps not that the tools were there, but that they were well known (and known for being written in rust).
Anecdatapoint - I've never heard of literally a single one of the utilities listed on the bu page.
Regarding cligen, right from the start clap wins on producing idiomatic output. Compare:
Newbie looking at nim
cool example would be this which is a CLI generation library. It lets you describe command line interfacs simply using function signatures
Zig and Rust
>Does nim have anything as polished and performant as clap and serde?
"Polished" and "high quality" are more subjective/implicitly about adoption, IMO. "Performant" has many dimensions. I just tested the Nim vs clap: cligen used 5X less object file space (with all size optimization tweaks enabled in both), 20% less run-time memory for large argument lists, and the same run-time per argument (with march=native equivalents on both, within statistical noise). cligen has many features - "did you mean?/suggestions", color generated help and all that - I do not see obvious feature in clap docs missing in cligen. The Nim binary serde showing is unlikely as good but there are like 10 JSON packages and that seems maybe your primary concern.
More to add color your point than disagree (and follow up on my "adoption") - your ideas about polish, quality, docs, etc. are part of feedback loop(s) you mentioned. More users => Users complain (What is confusing? What is missing? etc.) => things get fixed/cleaned up/improved => More users. Besides "performant" being multi-dimensional, the feedback loop is more of a "cyclic graph". :-) While I probably prefer Nim as much or more as @netbioserror, I am not too shocked by the mindshare capture. It seems to happen every 5..10 years or so in prog.langs.
While many of your points are not invalid, tech is also a highly hype-driven & fad-driven realm. In my experience, the more experience with this meta-feature that someone has, the more skeptical they are of the latest thing (more rounds of regret, etc.). Also, that feedback graph is not a pure good. Things can get too popular too quickly with near permanent consequences. ipv4 got popular so quickly that we are still mostly stuck on it 40 years later as ipv6 struggles for penetration. Whatever your favorite PL is, it may also grow features too fast.
Self Hosted SaaS Alternatives
You are welcome. Thanks are too rarely offered. :-)
You may also be interested in word stemming ( such as used by snowball stemmer in ) or other NLP techniques, but I don't know how internationalized/multi-lingual that stuff is, but conceptually you might want "series of stemmed words" to be the content fragments of interest.
Similarity scores have many applications. Weights on graph of cancelled downloads ranked by size might be one. :)
Of course, for your specific "truncation" problem, you might also be able to just do an edit distance against the much smaller filenames and compare data prefixes in files or use a SHA256 of a content-based first slice. ( There are edit distance algos in Nim in as well as in ).
Or, you could do a little program like ndup/sh/ndup to create a "mirrored file tree" of such content-based slices then you could use any true duplicate-file finder (like on the little signature system to identify duplicates and go from path suffixes in those clusters back to the main filesystem. Of course, a single KV store within one or two files would be more efficient than thousands of tiny files. There are many possibilities.
What are some alternatives?
FluxBB - FluxBB is a fast, light, user-friendly forum application for your website.
httpbeast - A highly performant, multi-threaded HTTP 1.1 server written in Nim.
Nim - Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
tinycc - Unofficial mirror of mob development branch
RFCs - A repository for your Nim proposals.
bioawk - BWK awk modified for biological data
walkdir - Rust library for walking directories recursively.
hikari - The Frontend of Everything
loggedfs - LoggedFS - Filesystem monitoring with Fuse
aether - Aether client app with bundled front-end and P2P back-end
lobster - The Lobster Programming Language