nanoid | ksuid | |
85 | 39 | |
24,315 | 4,884 | |
- | 0.7% | |
8.3 | 3.1 | |
15 days ago | 11 months ago | |
JavaScript | Go | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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- TIL: Versions of UUID and when to use them
Mastering Real-Time Collaboration: Building Figma and Miro-Inspired Features with Supabase
CURRENT_CLIENT_ID is the random unique string Id generated by nanoid that gets generated whenever the client is opened on the brower’s tab.
Next.js and Bunny CDN: Complete Guide to Image Uploading with Server Actions
Last thing left is to use our new upload function in our server action. Since I like to upload images in single format and have some more control over them, I will additionally use sharp library. For file name, I'll generate some random string using nanoid:
- Nano ID Collision Calculator
Why we chose Bun
Our API is in node. And God, how I suffered to import nanoid in an esmodule project. I had to vendor it, since using a previous version was not ideal. With bun, we can no longer worry about that. Just import what you need and done.
UUIDv7 is coming in PostgreSQL 17
No thread about UUID is complete without a plug for NanoID!
Building a File Storage With Next.js, PostgreSQL, and Minio S3
Generate a unique file name using the nanoid library.
Building a Multi-Tenant App with FastAPI, SQLModel, and PropelAuth
The syntax should read similar to SQL itself. We’re using a Python port of nanoid to generate our IDs. There’s only one thing missing… how do we actually create the table?
You Don't Need UUID
I usually go for Nano Id for new projects
Enhance Your Web Apps: Best JS Libraries 🔧
Nano ID
- A brief history of the UUID (2017)
- What happens after 100 years?
Zero Downtime Postgres Upgrades
OP here - we avoid sequences in all but one part of our application due to a dependency. We use [KSUIDs][1] and UUID v4 in various places. This one "gotcha" applies to any sequence, so it's worth calling out as general advice when running a migration like this.
Bye Sequence, Hello UUIDv7
UUID v4 isn't large enough to prevent collisions, that is why created which is 160bit vs the 128bit of a UUIDv4.
- You Don't Need UUID
- A Brief History of the UUID
Type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs
Assuming you don't need to use UUIDv7 (or any UUID's) then provides a much bigger keyspace. You could just append a string prefix if you wanted to namespace, but the chance of collisions of a KSUID is many times smaller than a UUID of any version.
Unexpected downsides of UUID keys in PostgreSQL
KSUID's are have temporal-lexicographical order plus 128 bits of entropy, which is more than UUIDv4.
UUIDs are so much better than autoincrementing ids and it's not even close
That's why you use ksuid ( or, if you're willing to go with a draft spec you could go with the new UUID formats
What Happened to UUIDv2?
Interesting in more history of UUIDs? Twilio Segment's blog has an amazing history lesson about how they came to be.
What are some alternatives?
snowflake - Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.
ulid - Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Python 3
typedorm - Strongly typed ORM for DynamoDB - Built with the single-table-design pattern in mind.
pg-ulid - ULID Functions for PostgreSQL
pg_random_id - Provides pseudo-random IDs in Postgresql databases
ulid-mssql - Implementation of ULID generator For Microsoft SQL Server
jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing.
python-ksuid - A pure-Python KSUID implementation
Numeral-js - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
uuid7 - UUID version 7, which are time-sortable (following the Peabody RFC4122 draft)
Strapi - 🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable and developer-first.
cuid - Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance.