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We haven't tracked posts mentioning DB yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
Cycle ORM
Cash: A small jQuery alternative for modern browsers
Thanks. It's a small custom framework built from libraries, some custom, some third party.
- File based HTTP router running on top of https://frankenphp.dev/
- ORM/SQL with: https://github.com/cycle/orm but this is preference. Anything works. From SQL builders to ORMs.
I'll try to explain their form handling:
Forms almost always POST to their own GET URL.
If you GET /user/save you'll get back HTML and `` to build the form.<p>If you POST /user/save you're expected to pass the entire form data PLUS an "operation" parameter which is used by the backend to decide what should be done and returned.<p>For example if user clicks [add new user] button, the "operation" parameter has value of "btnNewUser.click".<p>Why pass operation parameter? Because business forms can have more than just a [submit] button.<p>For example, there might be a datagrid filter value being changed (operation: "txtFilter.change"), or perhaps a dropdown search to select a city name from a large list (operation: "textCitySearch.change"), it can be a postal code to address lookup (operation: "txtPostalCode.change"), etc.<p>On the backend, the pseudocode looks somewhat like this but it's cleaner/safer because of encapsulation, validation, error handling, data sanitization, model binding and csrf/xss protection:<p><pre><code> function user_save($operation) {
RoadRunner: High-performance PHP application server written in Golang
From the same developers :
PHP framework : https://spiral.dev/
ORM library : https://cycle-orm.dev/
PHP in 2023?
The language is not that important, if you know Php, you learn another one in weeks (not you, Rust!) important and source of income is the knowledge of Design patterns and for what implementation to use which specific Pattern. PHP have a great ecosystem regarding design patterns. As there are the psr. Mostly, the Frameworks implement these recommendations: - dependency injection in Symfony, yii and spiral - Data Mapper implemented in doctrine or in cycle-orm.
[Symfony] - Dynamique database connection
Either use PDO directly, use Doctrine DBAL (not ORM) or if you need an ORM, check out Cycle ORM which is completely dynamic and supports configuration on-the-fly.
- Cycle DataMaper ORM 2.0 released - composite keys, any collection type, STI, JTI
The state of the developer ecosystem: PHP (JetBrains survey results)
Doctrine is my preferred ORM, being both powerful and battle-tested. There's a relatively new one lately called Cycle but I don't know anything about it other than that it's also a datamapper like Doctrine. Looks pretty decent from the docs tho.
Laravel isn't working for us - What Frameworks are worth taking a look at...
It uses the (H)MVC model, anti-leak DI container, DataMapper ORM (https://github.com/cycle/orm), Symfony components, and RoadRunner (https://github.com/spiral/roadrunner) as an app server (which we also created).
What are some alternatives?
to-raw-sql - Get raw SQL from Laravel Query Builder and Eloquent Builder
Doctrine2 Behaviors - Doctrine2 behavior traits that help handling Blameable, Loggable, Sluggable, SoftDeletable, Uuidable, Timestampable, Translatable, Tree behavior
db - Yii Database Library
yii2-query-relation-manager - Extension for making queries for getting data from database with join-relations and filters
PdoOne - It is a simple library for PHP that simplify the use of the PDO extension.
Slim - Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application
laravel-eloquent-query-cache - Adding cache on your Laravel Eloquent queries' results is now a breeze.
Symfony-RDM - Helps with the use of domain driven design & rich domain model in symfony / doctrine applications.
wordpress-interop - Interoperability library to work with WordPress database in third party apps
docs - Cycle ORM Documentation
database - Database Abstraction Layer, Schema Introspection, Schema Generation, Query Builders
automapper - Powerful declarative data mapper for PHP 8