luac-parser-rs | nom | |
2 | 90 | |
206 | 9,696 | |
- | 1.1% | |
6.8 | 8.1 | |
about 1 year ago | 8 days ago | |
Rust | Rust | |
- | MIT License |
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lua bytecode parser written in rust
Very nice! Can you open source the source of too? It looks nice
- Nom parser combinators now released in version 8, with a new architecture
- Nom released 8.0: A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators Rust library
Rust: Packages, Modules, Crates...Oh My!
To see these concepts in action, check out my repository Fun with Nom. It’s a project where I explored the Nom crate during a deep dive early in 2024.
I'm Publishing Matanuska BASIC's ADRs
Part of that inspiration was learning about parser combinators, particularly Rust's nom library. Of course, parser combinators - particularly in Rust - presented a bit of a learning curve. But this incredible post by Bodil Stokke really helped me understand how they worked, and made me feel empowered. In fact, for small DSLs, I often use parser combinators - for instance, with ts-parsec in TypeScript and parsy in Python. If you want to dip your toes in and have a head for functional programming DSLs, this is a great direction to go in.
Challenge accepted: announcing SurrealDB 2.0
Unlike the previous parser, which was based on the nom parser-combinator library, the new parser is an optimised recursive descent parser with a separate lexing step. This change allows for more efficient parsing by separating the tokenisation of the input from the parsing logic itself, streamlining the parsing process.
Planespotting with Rust: using nom to parse ADS-B messages
Just in case you are not familiar with nom, it is a parser combinator written in Rust. The most basic thing you can do with it is import one of its parsing functions, give it some byte or string input and then get a Result as output with the parsed value and the rest of the input or an error if the parser failed. tag for example is used to recognize literal character/byte sequences.
Show HN: Rust nom parsing Starcraft2 Replays into Arrow for Polars data analysis
I may be the only one not familiar, but nom refers to which looks like a pretty handy way to parse binary data in Rust.
Is this a good way to free up some memory?
Lots of people use nom for their parsing needs, but that's not the only game in town and there other options.
What is the state of the art for creating domain-specific languages (DSLs) with Rust?
As much as I love nom as well as other parser combinator libraries, regex-based parsers, BNF/EBNF-based parsers, etc. I always end up going back to plain old text-based char-by-char scanners.
What's everyone working on this week (22/2023)?
I am using nom / nom_locate to build the parser side because I've done a handful of other projects with it, and I plan to use tower-lsp to hook up the language server side.
What are some alternatives?
lumino - Lumino is a library for building interactive web applications
pest - The Elegant Parser
lua-resty-ffi-grpc - openresty grpc client library based on rust tonic
lalrpop - LR(1) parser generator for Rust
luafun - Lua Fun is a high-performance functional programming library for Lua designed with LuaJIT's trace compiler in mind.
pom - PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros.
monaco-editor-vue3 - Monaco Editor for Vue3
combine - A parser combinator library for Rust
mlua - High level Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT) and Roblox Luau bindings to Rust with async/await support
rust-peg - Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust
Wasynth - WebAssembly to Lua translation library and tool
chumsky - Write expressive, high-performance parsers with ease.