
librespot | raspotify | |
48 | 35 | |
5,070 | 4,743 | |
2.2% | 0.8% | |
9.0 | 7.8 | |
8 days ago | 16 days ago | |
Rust | Shell | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Spotify CEO Daniel Ek tells investors Apple's DMA rules are a 'farce'
It is shitty they killed libspotify, but it isn't hard to reverse engineer the way the app communicates with the backend, this has already happened in the form of as an example.
And if Apples ecosystem wasn't so locked down I could write a HomePod client using librespot and Daniel Ek could get however mad he wants about it.
- 2023 Dec 4 Stickied -FAQ- & -HELPDESK- thread - Boot problems? Power supply problems? Display problems? Networking problems? Need ideas? Get help with these and other questions!
Resources for flip phone app development? - it exists already. I'd just like to make it usable on a flip phone.
Looking for a good way to download MP3 directly from Spotify.
They use a version of this.
Whole home sync'd rpi audio w plex, spotify, airplay
You want SnapCast. You'd run snapserver on your Linux box and snapclient on your Pi's. Snapserver has support for Airplay (via shairport-sync) and Spotify (via librespot). I recommend using MPD for your music library, as I don't think PlexAmp can output audio in a way that's useful for snapserver.
Trying to cross compile spotify for my remote vacuum cleaner
For the last tow days I'm trying to compile librespot for my Xiaomi Mop PRO STYJ02YM Vacuum Cleaner. Vacuum uses TinaLinux which uses OpenWRT under the hood. The platform is armv7.
Spot (Native Spotify client for GNOME) seems unmaintained.
Also, the base library doing the hard work of communicating with the proprietary Spotify service is still very healthy, since April 2015. I would say that is a pretty decent time no?
Whole Home Audio - Design Help
To replace it, I've purchased in-ceiling speakers and a Control 4 Amp (C4-16AMP3-B) which I can control via the network. I plan on using shareport-sync for AirPlay and librespot for spotify as the sources to play music. 90% of the use for my whole home audio is for music.
Working on a Spotify TUI/CLI in GO using bubbletea
But, if I can control librespot, that's interesting
Flatpak Spotify vs Tab in Firefox browser
You can also just use librespot, which acts as a Spotify Connect device so you can play music in your PC and control it from your phone in a very light way
- 2023 Dec 4 Stickied -FAQ- & -HELPDESK- thread - Boot problems? Power supply problems? Display problems? Networking problems? Need ideas? Get help with these and other questions!
Headless Spotify client for Spotify connect
Basically Raspotify but for windows.
Anyone annoyed with the lack of features? Spotify is resting on their laurels
If you have a raspberry pi, Raspotify works pretty great as a Connect receiver with a little tinkering.
Spotify player with fixed volume output
Raspotify installed on a raspberry pi would be my recommendation. Config allows you to normalise volume controls - have a read here:
RaspberryPi Now Playing Dashboard using data and Airplay receiver
The site will work independently from airplay, so it will display whatever is playing, even if you are not using airplay to stream to your pi. Because it is just a standard Raspberry Pi OS running, you could also set it up as a MPD client or As long as you are submitting music to the song will display.
- Using an Orange Pi 3 LTS as a Spotify Connect host via Raspotify
Spotify connect on RPI Pico
I have previously used raspotify on my 3B+, is there any way to achieve something similar on a pico?
For Spotify Connect on a Pi I can recommend Raspotify:
Is there software that allows you to move audio around a house like a haunted house? allows you to use Spotify connect on Raspberry Pi's, so you can manually move your music using the Spotify app.
- Van olyan hi-fi amin van wi-fi? Spotyfihoz
What are some alternatives?
spotifyd - A spotify daemon
spocon - SpoCon - A Spotify Connect Client for Debian , Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi based on librespot-java
ncspot - Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust, inspired by ncmpc and the likes.
cspot - A Spotify Connect player targeting, but not limited to embedded devices (ESP32).
alfred-spotify-mini-player - 🎵🎩 Alfred workflow to control your Spotify library at your fingertips
AirConnect - Use AirPlay to stream to UPnP/Sonos & Chromecast devices
aoede - 🎧 a self-hosted Spotify → Discord music bot
Mopidy MusicBox - Web Client for Mopidy Music Server and the Pi MusicBox
DownOnSpot - 🎧 A Spotify music and playlist downloader working with free Spotify accounts written in Rust
shairport-sync - AirPlay and AirPlay 2 audio player