
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
An Introduction to Temporal Logic (With Applications to Concurrency Problems)
I think most development occurs on problems that can't be formally modeled anyway. Most developers work on things like, "can you add this feature to the e-commerce site? And can the pop-up be blue?" which isn't really model-able.
But that's not to say that formal methods are useless! We can still prove some interesting aspects of programs -- for example, that every lock that gets acquired later gets released. I think tools like Infer[0] could become common in the coming years.
- Should I Rust or should I Go
Enforcing Memory Safety?
Using infer, someone else exploited null-dereference checks to introduce simple affine types in C++. Cppcheck also checks for null-dereferences. Unfortunately, that approach means that borrow-counting references have a larger sizeof than non-borrow counting references, so optimizing the count away potentially changes the semantics of a program which introduces a whole new way of writing subtly wrong code.
Interesting ocaml mention in buck2 by fb
Meta/Facebook are long time OCaml users, their logo is on the OCaml website. Their static analysis tool and its predecessor are both written in OCaml.
CISA Director Easterly's comments about cyber security. Agree or disagree?
Then this idea that the US government will tell tech companies how to write secure software. Let's get this straight, the private sector, especially big tech is miles ahead of US government in this regard. Microsoft literally invented threat modelling and modern exploit mitigations. Facebook has the best appsec processes pretty much in the whole world, including their own cutting edge code analyzer. AWS uses formal verification everywhere. Meanwhile the US government itself runs mission-critical systems that's almost literally held together by bubble gum and toothpicks. Maybe they could dial down the arrogance a tad, get their own shit together, learn how this cyber stuff is actually done and only then try lecturing everyone else.
A plan for cybersecurity and grid safety
Efforts: Dependabot, CodeQL, Coverity, facebook's Infer tool, etc
A quick look at free C++ static analysis tools
I notice there isn't fbinfer. It's pretty cool, and is used for this library.
silly guy
"Move fast, break stuff" is a great approach when you aren't pushing the broken bits to production. Fuck, even Facebook, the big "move fast, break stuff" company, uses tools to detect errors in its continuous integration toolchain.
- OCaml 5.0 Multicore is out
Beyond Functional Programming: The Verse Programming Language (Epic Games' new language with Simon Peyton Jones)
TBH, there's a non-zero amount of non-"ivory tower" tools you may have used that are written in functional languages. Say, Pandoc or Shellcheck are written in Haskell; Infer and Flow are written in OCaml. RabbitMQ and Whatsapp are implemented in Erlang (FB Messenger was too, originally; they switched to the C++ servers later). Twitter backend is (or was, at least) written in Scala.
We haven't tracked posts mentioning FindBugs yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
What are some alternatives?
Spotbugs - SpotBugs is FindBugs' successor. A tool for static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.
SonarQube - Continuous Inspection
Error Prone - Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors
Checkstyle - Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly configurable. It can be invoked with an ANT task and a command line program.
PMD - An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.
SonarJava - :coffee: SonarSource Static Analyzer for Java Code Quality and Security
R.swift - Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
NullAway - A tool to help eliminate NullPointerExceptions (NPEs) in your Java code with low build-time overhead