impatient.nvim | trouble.nvim | |
31 | 60 | |
1,230 | 5,844 | |
- | 2.0% | |
5.9 | 9.5 | |
almost 2 years ago | 9 days ago | |
Lua | Lua | |
MIT License | Apache License 2.0 |
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Reduce Neovim startup time with plugins
You could use impatient.nvim or the new vim.loader module if you’re on nightly. Both work really well. I used impatient for a long time and it reduced my startup time by half. I’m using vim.loader now and it reduces it by about the same amount
Optimizing my startup time
The 20-30 ms promise depends on your hardware. In my case, vanilla Neovim takes about 18 ms to startup, so a realistic good startup time for my config is around 50-60 ms. Lines of code isn’t a great reference either because you could just lazy load a bunch of plugins and have more LoC but still better startup times. What I would recommend is using lazy.nvim or if you wanna stick with packer, then pairing it with impatient.nvim .
lazy.nvim is amazing!
automatically caches all startup code before :h VimEnter or :h BufReadPre (basically what impatient.nvim does)
fzf is so powerful when you use it well ! code/files/tags/git history
there is an amazing plugin called impatient.nvim that cache a lot of stuff and make other pluggins go so fast !
neovim startup optimization
Try installing first.
Guide: Structuring Lua plugins
:lua vim.pretty_print(vim.mpack.decode(vim.mpack.encode({some = { thing = false }}))) used by impatient.nvim
- Can neovim config be baked in to make neovim blazingly fast?
Default mappings override user mappings in Rust ( [[ and ]] mappings )
Did you defined your [[ and ]] mappings in that file or just created it? the after directory runs at the end of your config so you can override this kind of settings. Maybe you are using impatient.nvim? From their README:
what is your startup time like?
Are you using impatient.nvim? It caches lua modules. My startuptime with 72 plugins (including it) and zero lazy loading is 600ms.
- Why do Neovim users actively seek out lua rewrites?
My Flow and Productivity has Improved with the Simplicity of Neovim
In a similar spirit to Outline, there is a plugin called Trouble. This was created and maintained by the creator of LazyVim as well. Think of Trouble as having two functions for me.
How to copy LSP diagnostics from folke/trouble to quickfix window?
Does anyone know if it's possible to copy the LSP diagnostics (which currently is being displayed using folke/trouble to the quickfix window?
Help with trouble.nvim
A newbie here, I used jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nivm for diagnostics and formatting, but I recently discovered folke/trouble.nvim and for me, it seems like a better option However, I don't know if it supports formatting and linting, I don't even know if it is an alternative to null-ls. So I need your help, can trouble.nvim replace null-ls? If not, can I use both of them simultaneously?
How can i get better looking errors?
How do I get neovim to only show LSP errors as underline squiggles and not in the gutter?
Looking at the screenshot here for example they show errors both in the gutter and underlined.
Neovim vs VSCode Neovim - what are the tradeoffs?
All you need is just the LSP working (with linter, formatter and diagnostics) and telescope. Seriously, telescope is the GOAT, way faster than a file tree, you end up using the filetree only to move, create and delete files/folders but if it's just for that, you might as well use the terminal instead. For the LSP, it's not only autocompletion and hints at hover but formatting and diagnostics. I use lsp-zero + null-ls + trouble. I exposed all of the keybindings on those so I can at least open my own configs for guidance. Oh yeah, having treesitter is probably a must too, and it has no keybindings on its base form.
Is it possible to close todo-comment/trouble's floating window after pressing enter on an item?
I am referring this as well as this this plugin.
Video: 5 Neovim Plugins To Improve Your Productivity
People who migrated from vscode
Trouble is so good for finding errors easily. For testing I use jest so I haven't had too many issues. What do you test with?
Any recommended plugins to frictionlessly see lsp references in a perhaps a popup window?
I like trouble.nvim
What are some alternatives?
vim-startuptime - A plugin for viewing Vim and Neovim startup event timing information.
lspsaga.nvim - improve neovim lsp experience
nvimdots - A well configured and structured Neovim.
lsp-trouble.nvim - 🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing. [Moved to:]
barbar.nvim - The neovim tabline plugin.
telescope.nvim - Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
indent-blankline.nvim - Indent guides for Neovim
AutoSave.nvim - 🧶 Automatically save your changes in NeoVim [Moved to:]
nvim - Minimal, blazingly fast, and pure Lua based Neovim configuration for my work as DevOps/Cloud Engineer with batteries included for Python, Golang, and, of course, YAML
symbols-outline.nvim - A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol. Supports all your favourite languages.
nvim - My own NVIM (>=NVIM v0.11.0-dev-1545+ga4f575abd8) lua config
vim-local-history - A Neovim plugin for maintaining local history of files.