
iapetus_meta | build | |
1 | 9 | |
3 | 799 | |
- | 1.0% | |
5.0 | 8.5 | |
almost 2 years ago | about 2 hours ago | |
Dart | Dart | |
- | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License |
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Google discontinuing work on Dart macros
I agree, Dart's public-facing codegen system (build_runner) leaves a lot to be desired. (In part the problem is that Dart uses a separate system inside Google.)
However, this is a topic of active work for the Dart team: https://github.com/dart-lang/build/issues/3800. I'm sure they would welcome your feedback, particularly if you have examples you can share.
You're also always welcome to reach out to me if you have Flutter/Dart concerns. I founded the Flutter project (and briefly led the Dart team) and care a great deal about customer success with both. [email protected] reaches me.
How to create a generator package
The official documentation is here. It's not very beginner friendly. Therefore, it might be easier to look at the examples.
Source code gen in Flutter & Dart: How to create a builder to generate SQL code
In the first part of this series of posts, we discussed how Flutter and -Dart in general- makes use of builders to generate source code during the build process.
- Generating interfaces from configuration file
Source code generation in Flutter & Dart (Part 1): Reflection and code gen
build: "Defines the basic pieces of how a build happens and how they interact."
Incidences App
Why Flutter is the most popular cross-platform mobile SDK
Having spent about 6 months each with SwiftUI and Flutter I vastly prefer working with Flutter. Swift is a far more ambitious language but really doesn't live up to it's own marketing. Many of the features are half down (generics and protocols are both full of holes). Dart on the other hand doesn't have half as many nice features but the one's that are there are rock solid. Reified generics in particular is far nicer to work with (Swift's compiler gets regularly gets lost on type resolution and then doesn't give you any way to give it hints). Dart also seems to be heading in the right direction. It's added null safety and the upcoming metaprogramming features should fill in many of the gaps that are currently filled by the very practical but clunky https://pub.dev/packages/build.
Any good practices / articles / examples for a program written in dart capable of plugins?
I am one of the authors of the build package (https://github.com/dart-lang/build) which does effectively expose a plugin system. We take the approach of creating a wrapper script that actually just generates the real program (adds imports to the plugins, registers them, etc) and then it just runs that program. There are several downsides to this approach though (primarily, slow startup).
What are some alternatives?
dlox - lox dart implementation
rxdart - The Reactive Extensions for Dart
encrypt - 🔒 A set of high-level APIs over PointyCastle for two-way cryptography.
flutter_phoenix - Easily restart your application from scratch.
flutter_file_picker - File picker plugin for Flutter, compatible with mobile (iOS & Android), Web, Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows) platforms with Flutter Go support.
internet_connection_checker - A pure Dart library that checks for internet by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout. Defaults are provided for convenience. [UnavailableForLegalReasons - Repository access blocked]
packages - A collection of useful packages maintained by the Flutter team
json_serializable.dart - Generates utilities to aid in serializing to/from JSON.
timecop - A time tracking app that respects your privacy and the gets the job done without being fancy.
get_it - Get It - Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App. Maintainer: @escamoteur