
Hugo | Docusaurus | |
580 | 298 | |
78,072 | 58,278 | |
1.3% | 1.6% | |
9.8 | 9.6 | |
about 20 hours ago | 5 days ago | |
Go | TypeScript | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
I Blog with Raw HTML
If you turn Javascript off, the Markdown-formatted text will not display as a clickable link, but like "[hugo](". You would need to copy and paste the link into a browser address bar to navigate there instead of just clicking the link.
Building bun-tastic: A Fast, High-Performance Static Site Server (OSS)
Static sites are a thing of beauty and simplicity. They're fast, secure, and easy to manage. The JAMStack movement help made it popular (after SPAs) and static site builders like Hugo and Eleventy are making it simple to build websites in this manner. I dare not mention Astro because it's the new kid making building static sites cooler than ever.
- How to Deploy a Static Website with Hugo and GitHub Pages
Setting up my writing journey
I used Hugo to convert markdown to html as with this it was very easy to do as I just did installed Hugo locally created a project added a pre-build theme and just copy-paste markdown files to content folder inside Hugo project that's it. Quickly pushed code to GitHub wrote a simple GitHub Workflow to deploy Hugo Site on GitHub Pages and That's it.
We switched from Next.js to Astro (and why it might interest you)
Like some other commenters here who started with Bootstrap/jQuery/etc., I feel stuck in the stone ages at times. My most recent content-based site uses Hugo (, but I'm starting to tire of the magic and gotchas I keep running into.
Can someone that has used Astro and an older static site generator framework explain the pros/cons of Astro in that context?
How to Host Hugo in Vercel
I decided to go with Hugo to build my personal website. The only thing I based my choice on was the build time. I thought Hugo was in the same league as Astro when it comes to content management perks, but it isn't quite there yet. Or, I can say it has its own path since it's older than most of the other static site generators I've encountered. Moreover, it's a Go application, which is another important factor to consider when evaluating technology choices.
Show HN: SQLite Plugin for Jekyll
Hugo got a WASM based plugin system, but real scripting plugins that would be needed for SQLite are still a feature request:
Ask HN: Best Minimal Blog Site?
It's written in go but what's great about it, unlike many competitors written in Javascript or Python, is that it is just a simple binary you download and run, you do not need to get a PhD in the go build system to start a web site also it is crazy fast. It can publish a site to something like S3 or Azure Storage behind a CDN and you do not have to worry about anything other than paying the storage and bandwidth bills.
Myself I've been procrastinating on getting myself a blog and my take is Hugo is not customizable enough for me without learning a lot of Go, so I have looked at are either Python-based or oriented towards scientific publishing oriented systems such as
(I want to write stuff like
I've given this list to people in your shoes and they usually react with information overload
part of that is that there are 355 generators (there have to be some good ones in there somewhere) but it also uses the kind of miscommunication patterns we're used to in webtech where, for instance, you'd think they are pushing Javascript down your throat (the "J" stands for Javascript but the generators I've mentioned generate mostly HTML with just a little Javascript.)
Pick something simple and run with it, if I did that 2 years ago I'd be blogging now.
MdBook – a command line tool to create books with Markdown
I'm satisfied with Hugo: It is very fast and has a lot of features. The syntax highlighting for code looks also very good.
Must-have apps and services in 2024
For my personal site, I use Hugo, and I host the markdown files on GitHub. Publishing is done whenever I push to the repository using Netlify.
hCaptcha, a bot detection tool, usage in Supabase and Chatwoot
hCaptcha docs is built using Docusaurus and their developer guide provides a vanilla example, but there’s framework specific examples provided as well.
Owning the Chaos: A Simple Guide to Tackling Obscure Errors
Create visibility: A good mental model of your systems, data and code is beneficial to solving for errors so create tangible mind maps or documentation for the whole team to benefit from. Miro and Docusaurus are excellent tools for this.
MdBook – a command line tool to create books with Markdown
VitePress and Docusaurus seem decent. I think VitePress might be more suited to blogging, but I admit I haven’t actually used or tested either.
Why You Should TRUST Frameworks (And What It Takes to Build One From Scratch)
For efficient workflows, Commander.js offers a custom CLI, while Docusaurus powers documentation, ensuring that everything is easy to find and well-maintained.
Hacktoberfest week 2
I am aware of Docusaurus, since I have seen other documentation and some of our course material site built on it. Under the hood it uses React so I was familiar with it. But this documentation website was written in Python. Although I'm not a fan of Python, it intrigued me, since not only it is written in python, more specifically using Sphinx which utilizes reStructuredText as its markup language. There was Makefile in it as well. A lot of new things but it looked very interesting.
Docusaurus authentication with Entra ID and MSAL
Docusaurus ( is a well-regarded open-source tool for building documentation websites. It is a static-site generator that builds a single-page application leveraging the full power of React. However, it does not provide any kind of authentication out of the box. Adding authentication is crucial for securing access to your documentation.
One-liner CLI to scaffold+deploy landing page?
- [Optional] List of language codes
I want to avoid JavaScript lock-in at all costs. (far from being a one-liner, still uses JavaScript)
- Show HN: We built a FOSS documentation CMS with a pretty GUI
- Ask HN: Best static site generator for non-designer?
- Docusaurus – Build optimized websites quickly, focus on your content
What are some alternatives?
toxiproxy - :alarm_clock: :fire: A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing
oauth2-proxy - A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Azure, OpenID Connect and many more identity providers.
Jekyll - :globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
nextra - Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.
Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
JSDoc - An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
Pelican - Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
BookStack - A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
Postman - CLI tool for batch-sending email via any SMTP server.
storybook - Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation
astro - The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
VuePress - 📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator