
harper | shite | |
10 | 28 | |
3,154 | 198 | |
15.7% | 1.0% | |
9.9 | 3.4 | |
about 4 hours ago | 5 months ago | |
Rust | Shell | |
Apache License 2.0 | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
- Show HN: A Private Grammar Checker
Marksmith – a GitHub-style Markdown editor for Ruby on Rails
Huh. It would be cool to get Harper integrated into this
- Harper – English grammar checker for Developers
- Show HN: Harper, an Offline Grammarly Alternative
- Harper: The Grammar Checker for Developers
- Harper – The Grammar Checker for Developers
- Scramble: Open-Source Alternative to Grammarly
- Ask HN: What are you working on (August 2024)?
languagetool VS harper - a user suggested alternative
2 projects | 29 Jul 2024
Today I learned that bash has hashmaps (2024)
Bash Associative Arrays [] are handy! Some examples of how I've used them:
- my site builder (for evalapply.org): inject metadata into page templates. e.g. https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite/blob/b4163b566f0708fd...
- oxo game (tic-tac-toe): reverse index lookup table for board positions: https://github.com/adityaathalye/oxo/blob/7681e75edaeec5aa1f...
- personal machine setup: associate name of installed application to its apt source name, so we can check for the app, and then install package https://github.com/adityaathalye/bash-toolkit/blob/f856edd30...
[] I'd say "hashmap" is acceptable, colloquially. However, I don't think Bash computes hashes of the keys.
Org Mode Syntax Cheat Sheet
I daily-drive Emacs, and write my website/blog [1] in org-mode, but I use pandoc to compile org to HTML [2]... This choice was critical for me. I did not want my publishing workflow to depend on Emacs!
It's true that Emacs is the canonical Org-Mode compiler, but there are many other compilers, including Github pages. If it's typesetting you want, the support is widely available. If it is org-mode-powered workflows (like TODOs etc.), then support outside of Emacs is narrower, but still quite serviceable [3].
[1] built with OrgMode and pandoc: https://www.evalapply.org/
[2] pandoc as compiler FTW. https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite/blob/b4163b566f0708fd...
__shite_templating_compile_source_to_html() {
Ask HN: What are you working on (August 2024)?
Happy site-maker-makin'... It is a most respectable yak shave. I had such a good time making mine a couple of years ago in Bash (https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite).
If Git/Github are interfering, just drop the folder in dropbox (or suchlike) and version control like it's 1990 (ssg_2, ssg_3, ... ssg_final_final :). Nobody can fire the officially retired developer for doing this in 2024.
Ask HN: What's the simplest static website generator?
Pandoc can be your friend. My site maker [1] is built around it.
I think a hundred or so well-chosen lines of your favourite scripting language can do wonders. Mine is ~300 lines of Bash because I over-engineered a thing or two for kicks. The core of it is maybe 50 lines.
[1] https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite
The README documents the architecture and rationale. Maybe it will help you figure out yours. Happy hacking!
Useful Uses of Cat
[1] https://evalapply.org
[2] https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite?tab=readme-ov-file#te...
500 Lines or Less – Writing a useful program in fewer than 500 line code – AOSA
Bookmarked! These look like amazing study projects; the kind one can copy and learn from. Quite like how they do it in art school. Each one of them looks like it solves a nontrivial problem, and edifies the reader on the basic contours/tenets of the problem/solution space.
I love this kind of stuff, because it shows one _can_ solve a pretty juicy problem with not that much code, honestly. Also because it suggests that the industrial-strength equivalent has a lot more in for use cases, corner cases, and/or optimisations that are not relevant for one's requirements (at least not yet, maybe not ever).
I aspire to write code like that. Useful, concise, but not obtuse. Some of my code is not as significant as those examples, and maybe falls short of my ideals, but it gets a lot done in well under 500 loc. e.g. my website maker in Bash [1] (hot-builds and hot-refreshes without JS), or the JS that drives text art animations for Hanukkah of Data [2].
[1] https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite is about 350 LoC counted this way (excluding the script containing HTML templates).
$ grep -E -v "^$|\\s?#" bin/{events,metadata,templating,utils,hotreload}.sh | wc -l
“Make” as a Static Site Generator
I love the code [1]. Mine [2] is a bit over engineered because I wanted hot-reloading (without JS), and it was a delightful yak shave.
But the basic idea is the same --- heredocs for templating, using a plaintext -> html compiler (pandoc in my case), an intermediate CSV for index generation.
Very nice!
[1] https://github.com/karlb/karl.berlin/blob/master/blog.sh
[2] https://github.com/adityaathalye/shite
- FLiP Stack Weekly 28 Jan 2023
- FLiP Stack Weekly 28-Jan-2023
- Show HN: Shite – little hot-reloadin' static site maker from shell
What are some alternatives?
ltapiserv-rs - Server implementation of the LanguageTool API for offline grammar and spell checking, based on nlprule and symspell. And a small graphical command-line client.
logs-benchmark - Logs performance benchmark repo: Comparing Elastic, Loki and SigNoz
PowerTiger - Home power monitoring system - Monitoring energy consumption with better granularity
imaginAIry - Pythonic AI generation of images and videos
mockoon - Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
shell-genie - Your wishes are my commands
trippy - A network diagnostic tool
create-nifi-pulsar-flink-apps - How to create a real-time scalable streaming app using Apache NiFi, Apache Pulsar and Apache Flink SQL
bauble - a playground for making 3D art with lisp and math
CameraTraps - PyTorch Wildlife: a Collaborative Deep Learning Framework for Conservation.
Control-Surface - Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
kubric - A data generation pipeline for creating semi-realistic synthetic multi-object videos with rich annotations such as instance segmentation masks, depth maps, and optical flow.